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The importance of our forests is growing. Forest industry has retained its vital position within Finnish economy, and it seems reasonable to assume our forests' value added will contribute to Finland's wealth also far into the future. Of more recent interest is the value of forests being...
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necessity for governmental support of risk management systems. …
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A significant reduction of the global environmental consequences of European consumption and production activities are the main objective of the policy simulations carried out in this paper. For this purpose three different modelling approaches have been chosen. Two macroeconomic models...
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The debate on growth versus the environment is usually summarized as optimists believing in limitless growth versus pessimists seeing environmental and resource limits to growth. This opposition defines the main strategies: namely, striving for green growth versus some anti-growth approach. In...
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It is expected that binding biophysical constraints have the potential to slow growth and impede the improvement of other key macroeconomic variables. Using a DYNK (Dynamic New Keynesian) model of the EU27, we study two different environmental policy options and evaluate their impact on...
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[Vorwort] Am 1. März 2016 fand im Forum des Thünen-Instituts in Braunschweig das 2. Symposium für Ökonomie im Gartenbau statt. Ausrichter waren das Thünen-Institut für Betriebswirtschaft, der Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre des Agribusiness der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen...
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Deutschlands Klimaschutzbemühungen beruhen vor allem auf der Subventionierung der Verbreitung alternativer Energietechnologien. Eine solche Art von Treibhausgasminderungspolitik dürfte nahezu wirkungslos sein, solange es kein globales Abkommen gibt, mit dem der Ausstoß an...
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This volume was prepared by Thomas Steinwachs while he was working at the ifo Center for International Economics. It was completed in September 2018 and accepted as a doctoral dissertation by the Department of Economics at the University of Munich (LMU). It is a collection of four self-contained...
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This dissertation deals with the complex and multifaceted issue of climate change and climate policy. Since the problem touches upon many disciplines and also subfields within economics, the present study tries to bridge the gaps between different areas and dimensions of economic analysis....
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Jede CO2-Bepreisung bringt höhere Kostenbelastungen für die Verbraucher mit sich, da dieses Instrument ansonsten keine Wirkung entfalten könnte. Ein vielversprechender Ansatz, um dennoch eine breite Akzeptanz für ein solches Klimaschutzinstrument zu gewinnen, könnte darin liegen, die aus...
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