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This thesis was written by Nadjeschda Katharina Arnold while having been a research assistant at the Center for Economic Studies (CES) at the University of Munich. It was completed in December 2014 and accepted as a doctoral thesis by the Department of Economics at the University of Munich in...
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This paper reviews the experience of the ECB with the two-tier system for excess reserve remuneration that exempted a portion of banks' excess liquidity (EL) holdings from the negative interest rate of the ECB's deposit facility. The two-tier system aimed to support the bank-based transmission...
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The European Union is currently making significant strides to lead on green finance and align its financial system with its climate, sustainability and clean energy ambitions. The Paris Climate Agreement, the G20 Green Finance Study Group and the G19 Hamburg Climate and Energy Action Plan have...
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Most firm-level research on the characteristics and strategies of globalized firms focuses on manufacturing industries while firm-level evidence on trade in services is still rare and has just recently begun to emerge. This study uses an unique dataset of Austrian service exporting firms over a...
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Dieser Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über aktuelle Forschungsprojekte des Instituts für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB), die sich alle auf unterschiedliche Weise mit der Behebung von Problemen mit Missing Data befassen. Hierzu gehören einerseits Projekte, die Stichproben verwenden wie...
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This paper makes three contributions to the literature on the effects of collective bargaining on the performance of German establishments. We include the analysis of firms' efficiency and we model productivity and efficiency simultaneously. Confronted with 25 % observations with missing values,...
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The euro crisis has rekindled questions about the advantages and disadvantages of membership in the European Monetary Union. In the Northern periphery of the EU, the different monetary regime choices of Finland and Sweden have created a particularly interesting testing ground for the benefits of...
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This report is an annex to wiiw Research Report 423, 'Economic Challenges of Lagging Regions III Recent Investment Trends and Needs'. Based on spatial econometric methods, it provides estimates and simulations of the investment effects on economic development in the EU lagging regions. It also...
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Markov-Ketten haben bei der Modellierung von ökonomischen Sachverhalten eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen. In den Wirtschaftswissenschaften steht oft ein Portfolio von Markov -Ketten im Mittelpunkt des Interesses, z.B. das Kreditportfolio einer Bank oder das Vertragsportfolio einer Versicherung. In...
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Do asset prices affect real activity? This question has taken on a new importance in recent years, as asset values first surged at the end of 1990s and, thereafter, dramatically retreated. This report reviews the available theoretical and empirical evidence regarding asset price and wealth...
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