Showing 1 - 10 of 38
This paper takes stock of the ECB's macroeconometric modelling strategy by focusing on the models and applications used in the Forecasting and Policy Modelling Division. We focus on the guiding principles underpinning the current portfolio of the main macroeconomic models and illustrate how they...
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This paper presents the updated macroprudential stress test for the euro area banking system, comprising around 100 of the largest euro area credit institutions across 19 countries. The approach involves modelling banks' reactions to changing economic conditions. It also examines the effects of...
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Following the discontinuation of the official statistics on industrial new orders by Eurostat in mid-2012, this paper introduces the ECB indicator on euro area industrial new orders, which aims to fill the new statistical gaps for euro area total new orders as well as for various breakdowns....
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This paper analyses the challenges that high public debt and ageing populations pose to medium-term growth. First, macroeconometric model simulations suggest that medium-term growth can benefit from credible fiscal consolidation, partly through reductions in sovereign risk premia. Second, a...
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Economic policy in the EU faces a trilemma of solving three challenges simultaneously - growth, distribution, and the environment. In order to assess policies that address these issues simultaneously, economic models need to account for both sector-sector and sector-environment feedbacks within...
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In der letzten Zeit haben die Herausforderungen der chinesischen Wirtschaft zugenommen, unter anderem aufgrund der eskalierenden Handelsspannungen mit den USA und der relativ schwachen Inlandsnachfrage. Dies hat die Regierung dazu veranlasst, möglichst rasch Konjunkturmaßnahmen zur...
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We study the use of pension funds in the Finnish earnings-related pension system with the aim of smoothing contributions over time under demographic and economic risks. Smoothing is affected by the revisions in long-term forecasts and is thus imperfect. As a partially funded defined-benefit...
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The year 2000 was exceptionally good for the transition countries. The region as a whole expanded faster than the world economy average. However, the favourable external climate has started to deteriorate rapidly and especially the current pronounced weakening of the EU economy is worrying. The...
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As the economic recession in the EU seems to be drawing to a close, there is inevitable interest in what the effects on employment in different sectors of activity and occupations have been, or are still likely to be once all the repercussions have materialized. Indeed, given the lags in both...
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Die Wirtschaft wuchs 2002 in den mittel- und osteuropäischen Ländern (MOEL) stärker als in der EU, und dies dürfte auch in den nächsten Jahren so sein. Dies gilt insbesondere für jene MOEL, die das BIP-Niveau von 1990 noch nicht wieder erreicht haben. In der Gruppe der wirtschaftlich...
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