Showing 1 - 10 of 87
To steer economies onto a sustainable path in a way that is compatible with the urgent priorities of economic developers, sustainability needs to come with new business opportunities, growing markets and, most importantly, new jobs. The big question becomes then how do you wed economic growth...
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Eine Analyse der kroatischen Wirtschaft und abgeleitete Politikempfehlungen auf nationaler und EU-Ebene Ziel der Studie ist die Ausarbeitung von Politikempfehlungen, die dabei helfen sollen, die kroatische Wirtschaft positiv zu stimulieren und der Bevölkerung im Land eine langfristige...
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Allocation is here understood as allocation among countries, while it is sometime taken as allocation between projects or operations. Intercountry allocation is an essential issue for concessional resources that are scarce. This note presents few remarks on the allocation of concessional...
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During the last two decades the CIS countries have received very significant amounts of technical assistance from international development organizations and bilateral donors. While this has played a positive and important role in the transformation of these societies, practically all...
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Bei den Klimaverhandlungen in Kyoto einigten sich die Delegierten auf die Einrichtung eines sogenannten Clean Development Mechanism. Dabei handelt es sich um einen Vertragsmechanismus, dessen Herzstück die Gemeinsame Vertragsumsetzung ist, welche international als Joint Implementation...
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Afrika ist ein Kontinent mit immensen Zukunftschancen, steht aber großen Herausforderungen gegenüber. Das Wirtschaftswachstum der vergangenen Jahre war vielerorts hoch, die Bevölkerung wird sich bis 2050 verdoppeln, aber die Pro-Kopf-Einkommen sind immer noch sehr niedrig. Das wirtschaftliche...
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Russia's invasion of Ukraine has caused human suffering, the destruction of infrastructure and environmental damage on a huge scale. The Ukrainian government has already started to prepare for reconstruction, and presented its National Recovery Plan in July 2022. The plan has many strengths,...
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The development policy concepts of the German NGOs ‘Brot für die Welt’ (BfdW) and ‘Evangelische Zentralstelle für Entwicklungshilfe’ (EZE) are exemplary, both in terms of their content and in terms of their formulation, in comparison with other non-governmental organizations (NGOs)...
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Industrial policy is back on the agenda and the consensus is that it must be different "this time" from the past. We redefine industrial policy for industrialised countries as a strategy to promote "high-road competitiveness", understood as the ability of an economy to achieve "Beyond-GDP"...
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