Showing 91 - 98 of 98
In recent studies the IMF and the OECD claim that inequality has a negative impact on economic growth and conclude that redistribution policies have no adverse growth effects. We argue that this claim is misleading. We show that, for developed countries, the correlation between inequality and...
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Negotiations between the EU and the UK have reached deadlock, with the positions of the UK (no backstop, no single market, no customs union, no dependence on the ECJ), Ireland (backstop, no hard border) and the EU (backstop, indivisibility of the four freedoms, no cherry-picking) all being...
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This paper contributes to the current debate how a faster implementation of structural reforms fostering the process of economic convergence in Europe can be achieved. We discuss the rationale and potential adverse effects of providing financial incentives for structural reforms. After a...
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In the debate on euro area fiscal governance, the current deficit rules of the EU have repeatedly been criticised to have a pro-cyclical effect, leading to overly lax fiscal policies in good times and a too restrictive regime in bad times. An analysis by EconPol researchers Clemens Fuest (ifo)...
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In this paper we discuss to what extent the declining difference between interest rates and growth rates (r-g) pointed out recently by Olivier Blanchard (2019) for the case of the US also characterizes the economic situation in Europe. We show that r-g has been positive on average but declining...
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Die europäischen Fiskalregeln - wichtiger Eckpfeiler der Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion - stehen in der Kritik und sollen reformiert werden. Einerseits wird argumentiert, dass sie zu restriktiv und angesichts eines steigenden öffentlichen Investitionsbedarfes nicht mehr zeitgemäß seien....
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Werden unsere Enkel noch in ebensolchem Wohlstand aufwachsen wie unsere Kinder? Und was müssen wir heute hierfür tun? Diese Fragen stellen sich angesichts der sicherheitspolitischen Lage in Europa und der Erosion des Wirtschaftsstandorts Deutschland immer häufiger. Der Wissenschaftliche...
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Der öffentlich-rechtliche Rundfunk (ÖRR) steht zu Recht in der Kritik. Mit dem technologischen Fortschritt und einem vielfältigen Medienangebot aus öffentlich-rechtlichen und privaten Sendern, dem Internet, diversen Streaming-Diensten und sozialen Medien haben die Rezipienten ihr...
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