Showing 1 - 10 of 91
The social changes in Poland over the last two decades have had an impact on many dimensions of life, including on important elements of human capital, such as health and functional and instrumental daily activities. This article contains an overview of the available data and indicators on...
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This study was prepared by Sven Neelsen while he was working with the ifo Institute for Economic Research. It was completed in December 2011 and accepted as a doctoral thesis by the Department of Economics at the University of Munich in May 2012. The study investigates long-run effects of...
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Der Markt für ambulante Physio- und Ergotherapie wächst seit vielen Jahren. Die Ausgaben der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherungen (GKV) steigen trendmäßig. Entsprechend zum Verlauf der Nachfrage hat sich auch das Angebot entwickelt. Die Zahl der Physiotherapeuten und der physiotherapeutischen...
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A high level of public services in housing, transport, education and health care is essential for liveability in urban centres, as shown in this report, with the help of European data for large cities. Inhabitants of larger cities, where the housing market is heavily commercialised in terms of...
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This paper analyses the transmission of financial shocks to the macroeconomy. The role of macro-financial linkages is investigated from an empirical perspective for the euro area as a whole, for individual euro area member countries and for other EU and OECD countries. The following key economic...
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Analyses of market-based reforms of state schooling have occasionally acknowledged positional elements in parental demand, but none has fully examined their nature and implications. Contrary to the normal predictions of orthodox economic analysis, competition in positional markets can result in...
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Der Faktor Zeit spielt in der ökonomischen Theorie eine wichtige Rolle - intertemporale Entscheidungen sind in allen Bereichen der Wirtschaftstheorie und -politik relevant. In der überwiegenden Zahl der Fälle stützt man sich dabei auf das sogenannte Discounted-utility-Modell (DU-Modell), in...
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This report is an overview to the presentations and discussions in the seminar Survival or performance? Healthcare viewed through organization, information management, and personnel held on 3.9.2012. The seminar provided an interdisciplinary forum for the question how the health care system may...
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Gesundheitsbewusstes Verhalten junger Menschen und erfolgreicher Karriereeinstieg stehen in engem Zusammenhang. So haben Personen im Alter zwischen 27 und 31 Jahren im Jahr 2015 unter sonst gleichen Bedingungen um 2,92 Euro höhere Bruttostundenlöhne erzielt, wenn sie im Jahr 2011 mindestens...
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The Berlin Aging Study II (BASE-II) is a multidisciplinary study that allows for the investigation of how a multitude of health status factors as well as many other social and economic outcomes interplay. The sample consists of 1,600 participants aged 60 to 80, and 600 participants aged 20 to...
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