Showing 1 - 10 of 948
This study brings together two major sources of growth in the modern economy: trade and new ideas. Trade is a crucial process to improve economic specialisation and raise the productivity of economies. It is also a channel to diffuse technology and knowledge across countries. International...
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There is now a long history of countries improving sustainability standards in most parts of the economy while at the same time pursuing the ambitions of rules-based international trade and economic integration with other countries. It is not surprising that countries at the vanguard of...
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Since the beginning of 2017, a paradigm change in international trade policy is observed. While the protectionist agendas are on the rise, the EU and Japan signed an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) on 17 July 2018. It is the most ambitious agreement of the EU with any Asian state. The study...
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The Brussels Effect, once emblematic of the EU's alleged influence in shaping global regulations, has now become a factor contributing to global regulatory fragmentation. The EU must recalibrate its trajectory towards a liberal and rules-based trading order, prioritizing widespread regulatory...
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Evaluierungsstudie zu den Dimensionen und Auswirkungen eines Freihandelsabkommen zwischen der EU und den USA durchgeführt. Die Studie … zeigt, dass ein tiefgreifendes Handelsabkommen(Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, TTIP), welches auch nicht …
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Der Handel zwischen der EU und Russland ist derzeit durch Sanktionen des Westens gegen Russland und gegenseitige Embargo-Maßnahmen schwer belastet, ohne dass eine sichtbare Veränderung der geostrategischen Ausrichtung Russlands erreicht wurde. Vielleicht erfordert ein Interessensausgleich...
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This study examines the potential gains from a transatlantic zero-tariff agreement on trade in goods. The idea of deeper transatlantic economic integration has become more attractive in recent years. The hopes for an ambitious multilateral trade deal in the Doha Round negotiations have diminished;...
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Four years after the launch of Global Europe - the European Union's trade strategy from 2006 - policymakers are now confronted with the first negotiated agreement with one of the rising economic powers in the Far East. The EU-Korea Free Trade Agreement (hereafter EUKOR) is the first of Europe's...
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Following an FTA with Korea, the EU now takes up the ambitious task of negotiating an FTA with Japan. Inarguably, "big" FTAs are the way forward in the search for growth, but in parallel, the EU should aim to diversify its regional outreach to rebalance trade accounts. In this sense, Taiwan has...
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