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The shutdown measures implemented to fight the Covid-19 pandemic resulted in a historic drop in crude oil prices, which implies existential challenges to countries depending on energy exports. The three largest crude oil exporters in Africa (Algeria, Angola and Nigeria) are - like numerous other...
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Меры изоляции для борьбы с пандемией Covid-19 привели к падению цен на рынках сырой нефти и энергоносителей, из-за этого государства, зависящие от экспорта нефти,...
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Nicht zuletzt infolge merklich gestiegener Einkommen, veränderter Verbraucherwünsche und beachtlicher technologischer Fortschritte verzeichnet der weltweite Agrarhandel in den vergangenen drei Jahrzehnten historische Entwicklungen. Diese betreffen (insbesondere) auch die internationalen...
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Income growth, changing consumer preferences and technological progress are having a transformative effect on global food trade and, in particular, wheat markets. This is evidenced by two main developments: First, the growing demand for wheat in Asia and Africa is increasingly being met by the...
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Рост доходов, изменение предпочтений потребителей и технический прогресс оказывают преобразующее влияние на мировую торговлю продуктами питания и, в...
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Die Covid-19-Pandemie stellt die Weltwirtschaft seit Anfang 2020 vor ungekannte, massive Herausforderungen. Zwar ließ der Weltagrarhandel insgesamt keine fundamentalen Verschiebungen gegenüber Vorjahren erkennen, dennoch geht die Weltbank in Folge der Pandemie vom ersten Anstieg globaler Armut...
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The Covid-19 pandemic poses unprecedented challenges to the global economy. While aggregated agricultural trade patterns remained largely unaffected by the pandemic, the World Bank still expects global poverty to rise for the first time in more than twenty years. Since late 2020, several...
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С начала 2020 года пандемия Covid-19 создает беспрецедентно серьезные проблемы для мировой экономики. Несмотря на то, что в мировой торговле сельскохозяйственной...
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Over the past two decades, the Black Sea region has exhibited significantly growing wheat production and exports. In 2017/18, Russia ultimately became the world's largest wheat exporter, a position that was held by the USA for decades. Mostly serving destination markets in the Middle East and...
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The rise of a western-style middle class in many successful emerging economies like China currently is inducing deep structural changes on agricultural world markets and within the global agri-food business. As a result of both higher incomes and concerns over product safety and quality the...
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