Showing 1 - 10 of 106
For many years, analysis on innovations focused on high technology industries which were treated as synonymous with high competitiveness and growth. New research on low and medium technology industries has revealed that their growth is also based on innovations, though their sources differ from...
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This paper investigates the differences in innovation behaviour, i.e. differences in innovation sources and innovation effects, among manufacturing firms in three NMS: the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland. It is based on a survey of firms operating in four manufacturing industries: food and...
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This paper investigates the barriers to innovation perceived by Polish manufacturing firms. It refers to the heterogeneity of innovation active firms. We introduce a taxonomy of innovative firms based on the frequency with which they introduce commercialised innovations using data from both CIS4...
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There is a lack of comprehensive information on the quality of management in Finland as compared to other countries. Funded by the Strategic Research Council, the Skills, Education and the Future of Work research project has started filling this gap. As part of the project, an extensive survey...
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In Finland, universities have the explicit mandate to support the transformation of high-quality knowledge into profitable business, as well as to promote the creation of new businesses and workplaces within the boundaries of their so-called third mission. This report looks at how Finnish...
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[Vorwort] Das 1. Symposium für Ökonomie im Gartenbau fand am 27. November 2013 in der Paulinerkirche in Göttingen statt. Es wurde als Kooperation der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, des Thünen- Instituts für Betriebswirtschaft und des Agrarkompetenznetzes WeGa durchgeführt. Die...
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Als Ergänzung der im Jahr 2014 durchgeführten Expertenbefragung zu den Herausforderungen des deutschen Mittelstands (Zukunftspanel Mittelstand) wird nun basierend auf der Mittelstandsbefragung des IfM Bonn die Unternehmersicht dargestellt. Es zeigt sich, dass von den acht identifizierten...
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Most firm-level research on the characteristics and strategies of globalized firms focuses on manufacturing industries while firm-level evidence on trade in services is still rare and has just recently begun to emerge. This study uses an unique dataset of Austrian service exporting firms over a...
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Die vorliegende Studie untersucht die internationale Expansion der Pharmaindustrie in Österreich und stellt diese in den Kontext der zunehmenden weltwirtschaftlichen Verflech-tungen. Die Pharmaindustrie in Österreich besteht einerseits aus den Filialen einiger inter-national tätiger...
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Im Zusammenhang mit der Digitalisierung von Prozessen vernetzen sich Unternehmen untereinander zunehmend. Dies hat viele Vorteile, wie eine Steigerung von Effizienz oder Produktivität, birgt aber auch Herausforderungen, weil die geltenden deutschen und europäischen Kartellrechtsvorgaben zu...
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