Showing 1 - 10 of 184
Im Erhebungsjahr 2006 wurden erstmals in einer Teilstichprobe des SOEP kognitive Kurztests durchgeführt. Ziel war es, ein robustes, von geschulten Interviewern leicht zu administrierendes Instrumentarium einzusetzen, das innerhalb weniger Minuten durchführbar ist. Annähernd 80 % aller zur...
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Im Jahr 2006 wurde erstmals ein Kognitionstest für Jugendliche in das Erhebungsinstrumentarium des SOEP aufgenommen und seitdem jährlich bei einer neuen Jugendkohorte durchgeführt. Ein speziell modellierter Fragebogen erfasst basierend auf dem I-S-T 2000-Test die fluiden...
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Dieser Forschungsbericht enthält deskriptive Ergebnisse aus dem Projekt: "Weiterbildungsbeteiligung in Deutschland - Kompetenzausstattung, formale Qualifikation und Persönlichkeitsmerkmale", welches durch das BMBF gefördert wird und aktualisiert Ergebnisse, die durch Kruppe/Trepesch (2017)...
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This study was prepared by Sven Neelsen while he was working with the ifo Institute for Economic Research. It was completed in December 2011 and accepted as a doctoral thesis by the Department of Economics at the University of Munich in May 2012. The study investigates long-run effects of...
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Die Studie stellt die Bruttolohn- und Tariflohnentwicklung von Arbeitnehmern in der Privatwirtschaft und Angestellten im öffentlichen Dienst seit der Wiedervereinigung gegenüber. Dabei werden auch Sonderleistungen (wie Urlaubs- und Weihnachtsgeld, Überstundenzuschläge usw.), flexible...
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The aim of the thesis is to gain a better understanding of the relationship between education, skills and labor-market outcomes. Based on high-quality skill data from the PIAAC Survey of Adult Skills, Chapter 2 studies the effect of schooling on cognitive skills, exploiting the staggered...
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Benjamin W. Arold prepared this study while he was working at the Center for Economics of Education at the ifo Institute. The study was completed in March 2022 and accepted as doctoral thesis by the Department of Economics at the LMU Munich. It consists of four distinct empirical essays that...
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Occupational restructuring means that worker skills need to be updated, broadened or totally renewed. This report focuses on persons whose employment prospects have been particularly challenged by occupational restructuring: persons who in the mid-1990s were employed in occupations characterized...
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Elisabeth Grewenig prepared this study while she was working at the Center for Economics of Education at the ifo Institute. The study was completed in March 2021 and accepted as doctoral thesis by the Department of Economics at the LMU Munich. It consists of five distinct empirical essays that...
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This dissertation consists of four distinct empirical essays that address various aspects of the economics of education. Chapters 2 and 3 show that patience and risk-taking as intertemporal preferences are closely related to differences in student achievement across and within countries. Chapter...
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