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China is a rising global power with a growing role and impact on the world's energy markets as well as on the Earth's climate system. China pursues its development in an essentially non-confrontational manner, a vision encapsulated by the notion of peaceful rise which is viewed positively in the...
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Seit dem Jahr 2000 haben sich die Strompreise für private Haushalte praktisch verdoppelt. Von steigenden Stromkosten sind nicht zuletzt Millionen von armutsgefährdeten Haushalten betroffen. Vor diesem Hintergrund untersucht der vorliegende Beitrag exemplarisch für einige Haushaltstypen mit...
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At present, oil markets appear to be behaving in a fashion similar to that in the late 1970s and early 1980s when oil prices rose sharply over an extended period. Furthermore, like at that time, analysts are split on whether such increases will persist or reverse, and if so by how much. The...
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This volume was prepared by Julian Dieler while he was working with the Center for Energy, Climate and exhaustible Resources at the Ifo Institute for Economic Research. At the latest since the adoption of the Kyoto Protocol in 1997 climate policies are permanently on the international policy...
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Ziel dieses Projekts ist die Analyse eines möglichen Zusammenhangs des jüngsten Ölpreisanstiegs mit dem Peak-Oil Effekt, welcher sich über die Verknappung des Erdölangebots realisieren würde. Ein direkter Test einer solchen Interrelation ist jedoch erst ex-post möglich. Dieses Paper...
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Venäjän öljyn tuotanto ja vienti kasvoivat vuonna 2022 edellisvuoteen verrattuna. Vienti EU-maihin supistui jonkin verran, vaikka venäläiseen raakaöljyyn kohdistuvat tuontirajoitukset tulivat voimaan vasta joulukuussa. Raakaöljylle löytyi kuitenkin korvaavia markkinoita Aasiasta....
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The transition to a carbon-neutral economy is necessary to limit the negative impact of climate change and has become one of the world's most urgent priorities. This paper assesses the impact of three potential transition pathways, differing in the timing and level of ambition of emission...
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Following the discontinuation of the official statistics on industrial new orders by Eurostat in mid-2012, this paper introduces the ECB indicator on euro area industrial new orders, which aims to fill the new statistical gaps for euro area total new orders as well as for various breakdowns....
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This paper analyses the challenges that high public debt and ageing populations pose to medium-term growth. First, macroeconometric model simulations suggest that medium-term growth can benefit from credible fiscal consolidation, partly through reductions in sovereign risk premia. Second, a...
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Economic policy in the EU faces a trilemma of solving three challenges simultaneously - growth, distribution, and the environment. In order to assess policies that address these issues simultaneously, economic models need to account for both sector-sector and sector-environment feedbacks within...
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