Showing 1 - 10 of 24
At the extraordinary EU Council of 21 July European leaders have to accomplish a triple-mission. First, they should pave the way to restoring solvency in Greece by initiating debt reduction. Softening the Greek debt burden implies i) reducing the interest rate on official lending, ii) requesting...
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Morocco's formally accepted Islamist party, the Justice and Development Party (PJD), has further underlined its recognition of the authoritarian regime in response to a disappointing electoral showing and tough competition from the new Authenticity and Modernity Party (PAM). In contrast, the...
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Far-right parties are gaining support across Europe. Their level of participation in national governments is increasing, and they are expected to make further gains in the European Parliament elections in June 2024. As their influence over European Union (EU) policy rises, it is imperative to...
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This paper extends empirical literature on political economy of intergovernmental transfers to multiparty systems that are typical for most European countries. It proposes and uses new methods of estimating the number of swing voters from survey data. The first method estimates densities at the...
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This volume includes five self-contained chapters in the fields of public debt and fiscal transfer schemes. After an introduction to the topic, chapter 2 shows that the institutional setting of fiscal policy making needs to be considered when assessing the sustainability of fiscal policy. Using...
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Viele Wahlberechtigte wählen inzwischen per Brief. Corona befeuert die Diskussion um das Für und Wider dieser Option. Führt Briefwahl zu einer höheren und sozial ausgewogeneren Wahlbeteiligung? Welche Parteien profitieren?
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Aging societies face a fundamental challenge: How to represent future oriented policies in the politics of today? Voting age reforms and, more generally, policies that encourage the participation of the youth in politics are discussed as one solution. In this report, we study whether voting age...
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Ältere gehen eher zur Wahl. Zudem wächst ihr Anteil an den Wahlberechtigten. Spätestens bei der Bundestagswahl 2021 werden mehr als die Hälfte der Wähler über 55 Jahre alt sein. Was das bedeuten kann, zeichnete sich schon im Rentenwahlkampf 2013 ab. Beim TV-Duett 2017 sprachen die...
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Die vorliegende Studie zeigt auf Basis der IW-Personenbefragung 2024, dass rund 62 Prozent der Deutschen die Wahl des Europäischen Parlaments für wichtig halten. Dies ist das Ergebnis unter rund 5.200 Befragten. Der Anteil liegt damit in etwa so hoch wie die Wahlbeteiligung im Jahr 2019. Die...
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