Showing 1 - 10 of 122
. However, the peace process has brought into focus the question of a stable distribution of power within Ethiopia and in the … must bring together a society divided and impoverished by war. International partners should support Ethiopia in addressing …
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The report questions the very notion of re-integration. The life-altering and irreparable effects of migration for Ethiopian men, seldom for the better, means that what was before will never be again. As such, there are no processes of development, forms of treatment or possibilities of...
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Existing research has shown that deprived areas were impacted to a greater extent by the COVID-19 pandemic in a multitude of ways but particularly in terms of the health impact. This research examines the health impact of the pandemic on people living in disadvantaged areas in Ireland. Health...
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In der Corona-Krise hat das häusliche Lebensumfeld für die Aktivitätsmöglichkeiten und Entwicklungschancen der Kinder … soziale Umfeld der Kinder zu Hause. Mit 62,2 Prozent hatten im Jahr 2018 fast zwei Drittel der Zwölfjährigen oft oder sehr oft …,1 Prozent auch ein substanzieller Teil der Kinder regelmäßig mit den Eltern. Das bedeutet allerdings nicht, dass die Beziehungen …
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Als "Young Carers" werden Kinder und Jugendliche unter 18 Jahren bezeichnet, die regelmäßig Pflegetätigkeiten für ein …
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Basis der von der Statistik Austria im Auftrag des Sozialministeriums erstellten Studie über die soziale Lage älterer Menschen ist eine EU-SILC-Erhebung aus dem Jahr 2008. Der Bericht befasst sich mit konzeptionellen und empirischen Aspekten der Armut im Alter und der Identifikation von...
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Somalia has been without a functioning state ever since 1991, when the former dictator, Siyad Barre, was overthrown. None of the competing factions were strong enough to take his place as ruler of the country, producing first chaos, but gradually a form of stateless order. The international...
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This paper provides a critical analysis of the possible methods, data sources and the existing results of the field of 'the economic costs of mass violent conflict' by identifying strengths and weaknesses of the existing literature. The report evaluates content, methods, and data sources of the...
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