Showing 1 - 10 of 64
Die Arbeitsmärkte in den mittel- und osteuropäischen Mitgliedsländern der EU (EU-MOE-8) haben sich seit der globalen Wirtschaftskrise von 2008-2009 deutlich verbessert. Die Arbeitslosenraten gingen kontinuierlich zurück, in erster Linie aufgrund rückläufiger demographischer Entwicklungen...
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Erst in den letzten Jahren kam es im Zuge der allgemeinen Erholung der Wirtschaft zu einem deutlichen Anstieg der Reallöhne in den Westbalkanländern, Moldau und der Ukraine. Trotzdem sind die Lohnquoten kaum gestiegen bzw. zum Teil sogar leicht gesunken. Nur im Kosovo ist es zu einer...
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This paper reviews the impact of the global financial turmoil and the subsequent recession on the economies of southern and eastern Mediterranean countries. The major effects on the economies of this region have come through transmission channels associated with the real economy, i.e. the global...
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The main strength of today’s international monetary system – its flexibility and adaptability to the different needs of its users – can also become its weakness, as it may contribute to unsustainable growth models and imbalances. The global financial crisis has shown that the system cannot...
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In this paper we provide an overview of the growth model in China and its prospects, taking a medium-run to long-run perspective. Our main conclusions are as follows. First, the still prevailing producer-biased model of managed capitalism in China tends to engender, as an inherent byproduct,...
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From 2013 up to the launch of the ECB's strategy review in January 2020, inflation in the euro area was low and over-predicted. This low inflation during the years 2013-19 can be attributed to a combination of interconnected factors. Cyclical developments account for a substantial share of the...
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Das vorliegende Handbuch soll einen Überblick über die Befragungen des ifo Instituts sowie die daraus resultierenden Konjunkturindikatoren und deren Verwendung für die Prognose volkswirtschaftlicher Kennzahlen liefern. Des Weiteren ist es als Interpretationshilfe für den Umgang mit den...
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In this paper, we estimate a potential output model for Finland using an unobserved component model. The model builds on a production function approach, and features price and wage Phillips curves, Okun’s law and several resource-utilization indicators. We show that incorporating...
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The development human capital is now recognized as being the most important precondition of economic growth in modern times. It should be a priority in our socio-economic policy. However, recognition of this fact alone will not produce a qualitative leap in the development of education,...
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In Switzerland a sudden policy uncertainty shock happened in February 2014 with the close and largely unexpected acceptance of a referendum aiming at limiting free movement of persons. The referendum requires Switzerland to reintroduce annual quotas for immigrants within three years. The...
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