Showing 1 - 10 of 234
xii, 114 p. : ill.
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The purpose of this thesis is to argue that the core of a monetary economy is a network of triangular contracts between banks, firms, workers and capital goods suppliers. Not only does this network give rise to the creation and valuation of money but it is the organising feature of modern...
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Diese Arbeit besteht aus vier Essays, die empirische und methodische Beiträge zu den Gebieten der Finanzmarktökonomik und der Makroökonomik liefern. Der erste Essay beschäftigt sich mit der Spezifikation der Investoren verfügbaren Informationsmenge in Tests bedingter Kapitalmarktmodelle. Im...
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Die vorliegende Dissertation zu makroökonomischen Themen beinhaltet einen einleitenden Literaturüberblick, drei eigenständige und voneinander unabhängige Kapitel sowie einen technischen Anhang. In Kapitel zwei wird ein Zwei-Länder Modell einer Währungsunion betrachtet, in dem die...
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This dissertation asks whether frequency misspecification of a New Keynesian model results in temporal aggregation bias of the Calvo parameter. First, when a New Keynesian model is estimated at a quarterly frequency while the true data generating process is the same but at a monthly...
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This dissertation presents two essays on Markov-Switching dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models. The first essay is "Perturbation Methods for Markov-Switching Models," which is co-authored with Juan Rubio-Ramirez, Dan Waggoner, and Tao Zha. This essay develops an perturbation-based...
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Šiame magistro baigiamajame darbe atlikta ekonominių veiksnių įtakos infliacijai analizė ir įvertinimas. Darbas susideda iš dviejų dalių. Teorinėje darbo dalyje susisteminama Lietuvos ir užsienio autorių mokslinė literatūra nagrinėjanti infliaciją. Identifikuojami makroekonomikos...
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Atliktame darbe pagrindinis dėmesys skiriamas požiūriui į verslo organizacijos vystymąsi makroekonominiu aspektu. Darbo tikslas – išanalizavus išorinės aplinkos veiksnių įtaką organizacijų veiklai bei ekonominių ciklo organizacijų vystymosi sąsajas, įvertinti statybų...
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Foreign bank penetration in emerging economies has been rising rapidly since the 1990s. This thesis examines its effects on host macroeconomic stability, the transmission of monetary policy through the bank lending channel, and its effects on the output in the host countries.The first essay...
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This thesis covers three issues: the aggregate and welfare effects of environmental policies when plants are heterogeneous; what causes the different patterns of employment dynamics in small versus large firms over business cycles; and the welfare costs of expected and unexpected inflation. In...
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