Showing 1 - 10 of 274
Magistro darbe yra suformuluotos mažų ir vidutinių įmonių finansavimo galimybės. Atlikta MVĮ finansavimo garantijų ekonominė analizė, išanalizuotos MVĮ taikomų finansavimo galimybių priemonės recesijos sąlygomis, įvertintos MVĮ verslo finansavimo galimybių teikimo sąlygos....
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Magistro baigiamajame darbe išanalizuotas bei įvertintas verslo finansavimo reikšmingumas, finansavimo prieinamumą sąlygojantys veiksniai, iškeltos SVV finansavimo prieinamumo kliūtys bei pateikti pasiūlymai, kaip šias problemas spręsti. Pirmoje dalyje teoriškai pateikiama verslo,...
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This essay examines the impact of foreign portfolio investment on the financial constraints of small firms. Utilizing a dataset of over 195,000 firm-year observations across 53 countries, I examine the impact of foreign portfolio investment on capital issuance and firm growth across countries...
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Diese Dissertation befasst sich mit aktuellen Fragestellungen rund um Investitionen in Private Equity. Der erste Artikel bietet Investoren einen strategischen Ansatz zur Erreichung der gewünschten Asset Allokation. Es wird empfohlen, neue Commitments einzugehen in Höhe der 1) Ausschüttungen,...
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Kapitalmarktanomalien sind empirische Ergebnisse, die sich scheinbar nicht durch das Capital Asset Pricing Model erklären lassen. Die Dissertation analysiert, ob Anomalien, die in der Vergangenheit auftraten, auch in neuen und unabhängigen Stichproben fortbestehen. Unterschiede in...
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There is growing evidence that the current agri-food system is not sustainable, because major environmental and ethical issues challenge the global development. Against this complex background it becomes clear, that sustainable food is a global issue, relevant for individual consumers as well as...
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Studies of the relationship between market values and accounting numbers have long been a part of an established theme in capital markets research (CMR). These studies have taken various forms, most being conducted on a cross sectional basis, tied closely with the assumptions of equilibrium...
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ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Econophysics is a relatively new branch of physics. It entails the use of models in physics applied toeconomics. The distributions of financial time series are the aspect most intensely studied byphysicists. This study is based on a study by Kleinert and Chen who applied the...
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ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The research report entailed an investigation into the impact of the historical evolution ofSABMiller's corporate strategy on its global expansion, particularly into emerging markets.To this end, the demands of a rapidly changing global world on strategy and the relevanceand...
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