Showing 31 - 40 of 3,508
Die in jüngster Zeit spürbar gestiegenen Preise für Strom und Gas haben zu Forderungen nach einer verschärften Missbrauchsaufsicht entsprechend dem Gesetz gegen Wettbewerbsbeschränkung geführt. Wird eine gravierende Verschärfung des Kartellrechts für große Energieversorger zu einer...
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The report reviews key issues in energy trade and cooperation between the EU and CIS countries. It describes historical trends of oil and gas demand in the EU, other European and CIS countries and offers demand forecasts until 2030. Recent developments in oil and gas production and exports from...
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2005 erlies das Bundeskartellamt ein Verbot für langfristige Erdgaslieferverträge zwischen Importunternehmen und nachgelagerten Versorgungsunternehmen in der Hoffnung, dadurch mehr Kunden für neue Gasanbieter freizustellen und so den Wettbewerb nachhaltig zu fördern. Die Arbeit hinterfragt...
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Die chemische Industrie setzt in großem Umfang elektrische Energie und Erdgas für ihre Produktion ein. Beide Märkte …
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Building on a model of the interaction of risk-averse firms that compete in forward and spot markets, we develop an empirical strategy to test whether oligopolistic firms use forward contracts for strategic motives, for risk-hedging, or for both. An increase in the number of players weakens the...
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In this paper we study the recent awareness and persuasion campaign launched by the Irish government to increase energy efficiency and we assess its effect on residential natural gas consumption. We first analyse changes in the daily consumption of natural gas and find that advertising leaflets...
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Without an international climate agreement, extraction of more natural gas could reduce emissions of CO2 as more “clean” natural gas may drive out “dirty” coal and oil. Using a computable equilibrium model for the Western European electricity and natural gas markets, we examine whether...
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Using a computable equilibrium model, we examine the short-run effects of a radical liberalisation of the West European natural gas and electricity markets. In each model country, oil, gas, coal and electricity are produced, traded and consumed. There are world markets for oil and coal, and...
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Tässä muistiossa tarkastellaan mallilaskelmien avulla Kansallisen ilmastostrategian kustannusarvioiden herkkyyttä maakaasun hinnalle ja kariutuneille kustannuksille. Muistion laskelmissa maakaasun hinnan oletetaan laskelmissa kohoavan selvästi ilmastostrategian arviota nopeammin vuoteen 2010...
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