Showing 21 - 30 of 61
Hungary was perceived to be the “good student” among EU candidate countries in the 1990s and early 2000s. However, over the past decade, the relationship between the EU and Hungary has deteriorated. Hungary and specifi cally its Prime Minister since 2010, Viktor Orbán, are continually...
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Although a great deal of research has been done on leadership styles, and university students have often been the subject of exploratory research in social sciences, the Full Range Leadership model has been applied to young people only in a few instances. In this article, the authors seek to...
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The threat of an epidemic narrows the scope for political competition. As Fidesz's position within the EU has weakened significantly with the withdrawal from the European People's Party, and the COVID-19 crisis is generating serious social tensions, the questions seem to be more open in the...
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The 2008 crisis highlighted how fragile the labour markets of the European Union’s member states were, while it also directed attention to the eventual further deepening of integration as a potential solution. Nevertheless, employment and labour market policy competences are still on the...
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A tanulmány három aspektusból vizsgálja, hogy milyen szerepe van a felsőfokú végzettségnek a gazdasági elit rekrutációjában. Először történelmi szociológiai kutatások adatait idézem fel. A magyar és a francia gazdasági elitben a felsőfokú végzettség szerepe az...
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Ebben az írásban – egy empirikus vizsgálat tapasztalatai alapján – azt a kérdést kívánjuk megválaszolni, hogy hogyan vélekednek a hazai kis- és középvállalkozók az Európai Unióhoz való csatlakozásról. Kik azok, akik félnek, kik azok akik felhőtlenül reménykednek, s...
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The study investigates the digital divide concerning computer literacy in Hungary. It examines the differences of computer literacy of people with different social-demographic characteristics (gender, settlement type, education, labor market presence and income). It also investigates the...
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