Showing 1,371 - 1,380 of 1,381
The paper demonstrates that the concepts of dynamic controllability are useful for the theory of economic policy by establishing four propositions. First dynamic controllability is a central concept in stabilization policy. Second, the ability to achieve a target state, even if it cannot be...
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The paper studies budgetary, financial and monetary policy evaluationand design using a comprehensive wealth or permanent income accounting framework. A set of stylized balance sheets and permanent income accountsis constructed for the public, private and overseas sectors.These are then...
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The paper analyses a class of two-point boundary value problem for systems of linear differential equations with constant coefficients. The boundary conditions are expressed as linear restrictions on the state vector at an initial time and at a finite terminal time. This is applicable even if...
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The paper establishes the following: First, money is neutral even if there is a non-zero stock of non-monetary nominal public debt, because the government adjusts real taxes to satisfy its intertemporal budget constraint. Second, Woodford's fiscal theory of the price level, according to which...
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The paper analyses the role of fiscal policy in the restoration of internal and external macroeconomic equilibrium and in achieving structural adjustment i.e. major changes in the patterns of sectoral and intertemporal resource allocation. The focus is on developing and new industrial countries...
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In this note the method of Hamiltonian dynamics is used to characterize the time-consistent solution to the optimal control problem in a deterministic continuous time rational expectations model. A linear quadratic example based on the work of Miller and Salmon is used for simplicity. To derive...
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In this paper I argue that the insecure property rights and widespread predation that have characterized Russia during these past 12 or so years have depressed capital formation in all its dimensions, private, public, physical, human and environmental. The elimination of the conditions that gave...
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This volume, presenting some of the finest new research on exchange rates and international macroeconomics, contains papers and critical commentary by thirty-two leading economists. Taken together, these papers provide sound evidence about the effects of real and monetary factors on exchange...
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Economists writing on flexible exchange rates in the 1960s foresaw neither the magnitude nor the persistence of the changes in real exchange rates that have occurred in the last fifteen years. Unexpectedly large movements in relative prices have lead to sharp changes in exports and imports,...
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