Showing 663,091 - 663,100 of 768,863
This paper studies the life-cycle dynamics of exporters and multinational enterprises (MNEs). Using rich firm-level data, we document a comprehensive set of facts on entry, exit, and growth of new exporters and new MNEs. Guided by these facts, we build a model based on the standard...
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This paper develops a general theory of aggregation in inefficient economies. We provide non-parametric formulas for …
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In empirical work in economics it is common to report standard errors that account for clustering of units. Typically, the motivation given for the clustering adjustments is that unobserved components in outcomes for units within clusters are correlated. However, because correlation may occur...
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We exploit tax-induced exogenous variance in the price of union membership to identify the effects of changes in firm union density on firm productivity and wages in the population of Norwegian firms over the period 2001 to 2012. Increases in union density lead to substantial increases in firm...
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We characterize welfare maximizing capital requirement policies in a quantitative macro-banking model with household, firm and bank defaults calibrated to Euro Area data. We optimize on the level of the capital requirements applied to each loan class and their sensitivity to changes in default...
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This paper studies the relationship between government bailouts and bank risk taking. We show that the impact of government bailouts (in the form of liquidity injections) on bank risk taking, depends on the exogenous level of systematic risk. In a model where the output follows a geometric...
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Volatility is a key measure of risk in financial analysis. The high volatility of one financial asset today could affect the volatility of another asset tomorrow. These lagged effects among volatilities - which we call volatility spillovers - are studied using the Vector AutoRegressive (VAR)...
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Schrage and Baker (1978) proposed a generic dynamic programming (DP) algorithm to tackle precedenceconstrained sequencing on a single machine. The performance of their DP method, however, is limited due to excessive memory requirements, particularly when the precedence network is not very dense....
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Credit booms sometimes lead to financial crises which are accompanied with severe and persistent economic slumps. Does this imply that monetary policy should “lean against the wind” and counteract excess credit growth, even at the cost of higher output and inflation volatility? We study this...
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We provide a framework for robust exponential smoothing. For a class of exponential smoothing variants, we present a robust alternative. The class includes models with a damped trend and/or seasonal components. We provide robust forecasting equations, robust starting values, robust smoothing...
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