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This paper describes the results of a Monte Carlo study of certain aspects of robust regression confidence region estimation for linear models with one, five, and seven parameters. One-step sine estimators (c = l.42) were used with design matrices consisting of short-tailed, Gaussian, and...
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What are the statistical and computational problems associated with robust nonlinear regression? This paper presents a number of possible approaches to these problems and develops a particular algorithm based on the work of Powell and Dennis
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The "Tobit" model is a useful tool for estimation of regression models with a truncated or limited dependent variable, but it requires a threshold which is either a known constant or an observable and independent variable. The model presented here extends the Tobit model to the censored case...
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This paper considers the effect of aggregation on the variance of parameter estimates for a linear regression model with random coefficients and an additive error term. Aggregate and microvariances are compared and measures of relative efficiency are introduced. Necessary conditions for...
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This paper gives the formulas for and derivation of ridge regression methods when there are weights associated with each observation. A Bayesian motivation is used and various choices of k are discussed. A suggestion is made as to how to combine ridge regression with robust regression methods
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This paper gives an alternative derivation of a Monte Carlo method that has been used to study robust estimators. Extensions of the technique to the regression case are also considered and some computational points are briefly mentioned
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In this paper, we have developed an operational method for estimating error components regression models when the variance- covariance matrix of the disturbance terms is unkown. Monte Carlo Studies were conducted to compare the relative efficiency of the pooled estimator obtained by this...
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The popular quantile regression estimator of Koenker and Bassett (1978) is biased if there is an additive error term. Approaching this problem as an errors-in-variables problem where the dependent variable suffers from classical measurement error, we present a sieve maximum-likelihood approach...
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Linear regressions with period and group fixed effects are widely used to estimate treatment effects. We show that they identify weighted sums of the average treatment effects (ATE) in each group and period, with weights that may be negative. Due to the negative weights, the linear regression...
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The academic literature literally contains hundreds of variables that seem to predict the cross-section of expected returns. This so-called "anomaly zoo" has caused many to question whether researchers are using the right tests of statistical significance. But, here's the thing: even if...
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