Showing 51 - 60 of 166
The problem of estimating the large covariance matrix of both normal and non-normal distributions is addressed. In convex combinations of the sample covariance matrix and the identity matrix multiplied by a scalor statistic, we suggest a new estimator of the optimal weight based on...
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We propose an information criterion which measures the prediction risk of the predictive density based on the Bayesian marginal likelihood from a frequentist point of view. We derive the criteria for selecting variables in linear regression models by putting the prior on the regression...
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In this article, we consider the problem of testing that the mean vector in the model , where are random p-vectors, and zij are independently and identically distributed with finite four moments, ; that is need not be normally distributed. We shall assume that C is a pxp non-singular matrix, and...
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In this article, the problem of classifying a new observation vector into one of the two known groups [Pi]i,i=1,2, distributed as multivariate normal with common covariance matrix is considered. The total number of observation vectors from the two groups is, however, less than the dimension of...
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Likelihood ratio tests for detecting a single outlier in multivariate linear models are considered, where an observation is called an outlier if there has been a shift in the mean. The test statistics are the maximum of n nonindependent statistics, where n is the number of observations. Relevant...
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In this article, the Stein-Haff identity is established for a singular Wishart distribution with a positive definite mean matrix but with the dimension larger than the degrees of freedom. This identity is then used to obtain estimators of the precision matrix improving on the estimator based on...
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In this article, we consider the problem of testing the equality of mean vectors of dimension ρ of several groups with a common unknown non-singular covariance matrix Σ, based on <em>N</em> independent observation vectors where <em>N</em> may be less than the dimension ρ. This problem, known in the literature...
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The problem of classifying a new observation vector into one of the two known groups distributed as multivariate normal with common covariance matrix is considered. In this paper, we handle the situation that the dimension, p, of the observation vectors is less than the total number, N, of...
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For normally distributed data from the k populations with mxm covariance matrices [Sigma]1,...,[Sigma]k, we test the hypothesis H:[Sigma]1=...=[Sigma]k vs the alternative A[not equal to]H when the number of observations Ni, i=1,...,k from each population are less than or equal to the dimension...
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The Akaike information criterion, AIC, and Mallows' Cp statistic have been proposed for selecting a smaller number of regressor variables in the multivariate regression models with fully unknown covariance matrix. All these criteria are, however, based on the implicit assumption that the sample...
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