Showing 81 - 90 of 5,337
Governments intervene in non-renewable natural resources sectors more than in many others, including through the use of export taxes and quotas. Industrial raw materials sectors are characterized by a number of specificities: production is often geographically concentrated, firms are often large...
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Viele Länder haben ihre Exporte während der jüngsten Preisspitzen auf den Weltagrarmärkten beschränkt, um die inländischen Agrarpreise von den Preisentwicklungen auf den internationalen Märkten abzukoppeln. Letztlich sollte damit dem Anstieg der Nahrungsmittelpreisinflation entgegen...
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Many countries restricted their exports to world agricultural markets during the most recent price peaks in order to insulate their domestic agricultural prices from price developments in international markets. Their ultimate aim was countering the rise in food price inflation and protecting...
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Singapore industrialised rapidly with continuously high growth rates since its independence in 1965 and its population during the same period of time almost tripled. With development at this scale, Singapore had to grow in number of industrial and residential buildings as well as in size through...
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