Showing 6,121 - 6,130 of 6,189
The purpose of this study is to broaden the discussion on corporate enviromental risk exposure by integrating an oil scarcity factor. This broader approach can be utilized as a means of instigating a discussion on carbon risks beyond output oriented adaption and mitigation strategies. Even...
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Erdöl ist der mit Abstand wichtigste Primärenergieträger. Wie steht es um die langfristige Verfügbarkeit von Rohöl? Wie werden sich Angebot und Nachfrage entwickeln? Bleibt die deutsche Rohölversorgung langfristig gesichert?
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Departing from Hotelling's assumption of fixed and known reserves, in this paper I develop an economic model of additions to proven reserves that explicitly incorporates the effects of expected resource price, cumulative reserves development, and technological progress on reserves additions. The...
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Rohstoffvorkommen können den Wohlstand einer Volkswirtschaft begünstigen, wenn die Einnahmen aus dem Export der Bodenschätze als Grundlage einer breiten wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung dienen. Oftmals hat sich der vermeintliche Segen bedeutender Rohstoffbestände aber als Fluch für die...
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We reconsider the relationship between oil and conflict, focusing on the location of oil resources. In a panel of 132 countries over the period 1962-2009, we show that oil windfalls increase the probability of conflict in onshore-rich countries, while they decrease this probability in...
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The effects of stochastic oil demand on optimal oil extraction paths and tax, spending and government debt policies are analyzed when the oil demand schedule is linear and preferences quadratic. Without prudence, optimal oil extraction is governed by the Hotelling rule and optimal budgetary...
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This paper examines the resource curse and its transmission channels by resource type. We review and synthesize existing theories of the transmission channels of the curse. This synthesis suggests that (1) relating the transmission channels to the characteristics of different types of resources,...
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Oman and Bahrain are Middle Eastern success stories. There are some key similarities. Both have followed pragmatic development strategies built on a stable foundation of strengthened governance structures and enhanced economic liberalization. These improvements occurred in somewhat different...
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According to conventional wisdom, strategic natural resources like oil are harmful to international peace. Nonetheless, there is little empirical quantitative work on the link between resource abundance and interstate conflicts. Analyzing the impact of oil on militarized interstate disputes on a...
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Algeria's intrastate war in the 1990s, during which militant Islamists and the state fought fiercely against each other, still raises questions concerning the decisive factors leading to its onset and escalation. This paper uses the resource curse approach and the rentier state theory to...
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