Showing 8,261 - 8,270 of 8,440
I compare unemployment expectations from the Michigan Survey of Consumers to VAR forecastable movements in unemployment. I document three key facts. First, one-half to one-third of the population expects unemployment to rise when it is falling at the end of a recession even though the VAR...
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Using an adaptation of the Uncovered Interest Parity (UIP) condition, this paper analyzes the drivers behind the large, symmetric exchange rate swings observed during the financial crisis of 2008-2010. Employing a Nelson-Siegel model, we estimate yield curves and decompose the exchange rate...
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Empirical evidence suggests that goods are highly heterogeneous with respect to the degree of price rigidity. We develop a DSGE model featuring heterogeneous nominal rigidities across two sectors to study the equilibrium determinacy and stability under adaptive learning for interest rate rules...
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Contrary to the predictions of the rational expectations hypothesis of the term structure, empirical evidence suggest that the term spread between long and short rates fails to forecast future long term rates although its forecasts of future short term rates are in the correct direction. This...
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Evidence that the term structure of interest rates does not satisfy the expectations hypothesis has been reported in a number of papers. However the nature and degree of this rejection is very sensitive to the exact specification of the tests. In this paper, we identify a source of small sample...
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The main aim of this paper is to test the rational expectations hypothesis of the term structure (REHTS). Existing empirical studies of the REHTS provide inconsistent evidence. Tests based on the local expectations hypothesis (LEH) version of the REHTS tend to be far less supportive than those...
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This papaer evaluates analysts' consensus long run earnings growth forecasts. It is shown that the correlation between forecast earnings growth and actual earnings growth is extremely low. Consistent with other studies, forecast earnings growth is found to be too optimistic. This is illustrated...
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The Queen of England famously asked her economic advisers why none of them had seen "it" (the global financial crisis) coming. Obviously, the answer is complex, but it must include reference to the evolution of macroeconomic theory over the postwar period—from the "Age of Keynes," through the...
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The authors study a dynamical model of interconnected firms which allows for certain market imperfections and frictions, restricted here to be myopic price forecasts and slow adjustment of production. Whereas the standard rational equilibrium is still formally a stationary solution of the...
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For four decades, economics has been confronted with two major flaws: the large theoretical gap between macroeconomic and microeconomic analysis, and the growing rates of both inflation and unemployment. Research seemed divided between two opposite approaches, searching for a new theory to solve...
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