Showing 576,781 - 576,790 of 576,795
Tyskland gennemlever i disse år en sikkerhedspolitisk transitionsfase, der bygger på tre præmisser. For det første er en allerede eksisterende debat om Tysklands sikkerhedspolitiske profil blevet intensiveret som reaktion på den omfattende russiske militære invasion af Ukraine og den...
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This paper will put forward a number of economic considerations raised by the Russia-Ukraine conflict with the external strong participation, on the side of the latter, of the United States and its NATO allies. We begin with some observations regarding the United States, followed by the...
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I study the labor market risks associated with being self-employed. I document that the self-employed are subject to larger earnings fluctuations than employees and that they frequently transition into unemployment. Given the self-employed are not eligible to unemployment insurance, I analyze...
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Prices for, and the affordability of childcare has received increased attention since the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, concerns have been raised about potential differences in childcare costs and access between rural and urban communities. To address these issues, we combine...
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außenpolitischen Programmatiken der Kontrahenten Biden und Trump vor, dass die Schutzmacht USA ihre Beteiligung an der europäischen …. Berlin sollte die EU‑Kommission dabei unterstützen, einen Rüstungsbinnenmarkt zu schaffen. Da die USA eine Nato …
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Seit Beginn des vergangenen Jahres expandiert die Weltwirtschaft in moderatem Tempo. Allerdings gerät in den USA das … nur für die USA hat zu einem Wiederanstieg der Kapitalmarktzinsen geführt. Dagegen hat die chinesische Wirtschaftspolitik …
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erwarten sich die Anleger wohl Wachstumsimpulse von Innovationen auf dem Gebiet der Künstlichen Intelligenz. Für die USA kann … Gewerbes und industriepolitische Maßnahmen in den USA und in China, welche europäische Anbieter benachteiligen. Deutschland …
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Summary The paper shows that the assessment of the speed of productivity growth crucially depends on how one chooses to measure value added. According to a widely held view, the growth rate of labour productivity has increased significantly in the U.S. since the mid-90s. The U.S. is perceived to...
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