Showing 862,911 - 862,920 of 970,057
theory, since most practical planning problems are hard to solve. We also describe how several objective functions can be …
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The textbook Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition for the Capacitated Lot Sizing Problem (CLSP),as already proposed by Manne in 1958, has an important structural deficiency. Imposingintegrality constraints on the variables in the full blown master will not necessarily give theoptimal IP solution as only...
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When the government issues long-term bonds, the optimal time-consistent fiscal and monetary policy is to consolidate debt in a liquidity trap by increasing taxes and by taming public spending. This prescription is at odds with large deficit-spending undertaken in the US during previous liquidity...
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This study examines intergenerational income dependency in incomes before and after public cash and in-kind transfers. We use administrative data from Denmark and estimate intergenerational dependency with a rank-rank specification. We predict in-kind transfers from childcare, schooling,...
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This paper analyzes the optimal time to abandon a fixed exchange rate regime in response to a fiscal shock that renders the peg unsustainable. We consider three variants of an optimization-based first-generation speculative attack model. In the first variant there are exogenous costs of...
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injection of Adam Smith's ideas? In this paper, we combine Adam Smith’s ideas of both The Theory of Moral Sentiments and The … instance, his theory of equalizing differences, exposed in Book I, Chapter X, of the Wealth of Nations, provide a base to … combining both the Theory of Moral Sentiments and the Wealth of Nations, and not to consider them separately as isolated …
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Travel restrictions are often imposed to limit the spread of infectious diseases. As uniform restrictions can be inefficient and incur unnecessarily high costs, this paper examines the optimal design of restrictions that target specific travel routes. We propose a model with trade-offs between...
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To explain the mixed findings on hiring discrimination against homosexual applicants, we explore the perceptual drivers behind employers' evaluations of gay men and lesbian women. Therefore, we conduct an extensive vignette experiment among 404 genuine recruiters, for which we test...
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Response times are a simple low-cost indicator of the process of reasoning in strategic games. In this paper, we leverage the dynamic nature of response-time data from repeated strategic interactions to measure the strategic complexity of a situation by how long people think on average when they...
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