Showing 81 - 90 of 153
Presenta recomendaciones para la reducción de las brechas de integración, destinadas a fomentar el diálogo y sentar las bases para promover la infraestructura física y reducir los costos comerciales intrarregionales.
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Las estimaciones preliminares elaboradas por la División de Integración, Comercio y Asuntos Hemisféricos del BID indican que el crecimiento de las exportaciones latinoamericanas de 21 por ciento en 2006. Este es el cuarto año consecutivo con crecimiento, proyectándose las exportaciones...
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The purpose of this document is to inform Bank staff and other interested parties about recent developments in integration and trade among the countries of the Western Hemisphere and between these and other countries and world regions.
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Preliminary estimates by the IDB indicate that the growth of Latin American exports in 2004 will be the highest in the last two decades, reaching 23 percent.
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This paper revisits IIRSA's economic fundamentals, looking at the motivation behind regional integration, the importance of transport versus policy related trade costs, and the likely impact of the initiative on regional disparities and growth.
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This paper examines this agenda and argues that if Brazil really wants to fully enjoy the growth and welfare benefits of trade, it needs to further lower and rationalize its structure of protection; adopt a more aggressive, World Trade Organization-plus, policy to open markets abroad; design a...
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Este informe, elaborado por el Sector Integración y Comercio del BID, propone reenfocar la agenda de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC) en materia de comercio. El análisis realizado busca traer al centro del debate de políticas los costos del comercio que tradicionalmente han sido rezagados a...
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The book explores the impact of transport costs on trade in Latin America and the Caribbean, and argues that transport costs have assumed an unprecedented strategic importance to the region. The region can no longer rely solely on trade agreements, proximity, labor costs and an abundant supply...
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Regional integration among asymmetric countries is a hot and burning policy topic worldwide. Deepening Integration in MERCOSUR analyzes the most important issues of economic integration and policy coordination that countries face as they advance towards deeper integration and are urged to...
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"La era de la productividad" describe de qué manera la baja productividad de América Latina y el Caribe impide que la región se ponga a la par de los países del mundo desarrollado. Los autores indagan más allá de las explicaciones macroeconómicas tradicionales y profundizan hasta llegar...
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