Showing 141 - 150 of 226
[eng] Stylized trends and cycles in the G7 countries : a stochastic approach Jacky Fayolle, Alexandre Mathis To present stylized cyclical movements of the G7 countries, this paper uses the unobservable components models proposed by Harvey (1985, 1989). To fit the dynamics, the set of...
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[eng] Investment off risk Département des diagnostics World trade has benefited in 1994 from several expansionary factors leading to a rate of growth of about 10 %. These factors will not occur with the same vigour in 1995 and 1996 : — under the influence of monetary tightening already begun...
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[eng] Regional growth, national membership and European structural funds : an empirical appraisal Jacky Fayolle and Anne Lecuyer This article contributes to the debate on the evolution of the European economie geography. It compares the growth performances of the EU regions between the years...
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[eng] Supply Ahead of Demand Département des diagnostics Following the sharp pick up of the world output and trade, the slow-down observed since the beginning of 1995 is widely spread among the OECD coun- tries. Sluggishness of private consumption and lack of consumer confidence are common...
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[eng] Social sciences, economy and immigration Jacky Fayolle The French economists have taken part in the public debate about immigration less actively than demographers, jurists and sociologists. However economic thought about immigration exists on the international scale for a long time and it...
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[fre] Cet article se livre à un examen critique de travaux récents centrés sur la mise en évidence et l'analyse statistiques des fluctuations longues qui animent la dynamique historique des économies capitalistes industrialisées. Il ne s'agit pas d'une revue exhaustive de tels travaux,...
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[eng] A cleared short term horizon Division modèle trimestriel Mosaïque Most Western economies experience sustained growth rates, but business conditions still widely differ. Optimism on the real economy gees with a large financial turmoil : exchange rates markets are upset by trade imbalances...
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[eng] Falling back on cash-flow Forecasts for 1993-1994 Département des diagnostics Industrial production has probably reached a trough in the OCDE zone during the first quarter or 1 993. Unfortunately for France, this does not mean that its international environment will become a driving...
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[eng] Turbulences' check-up Département des diagnostics Western economies began their recovery one year ago, but it is still difficult to foresee jobs and capacities creations on the near term. National situations exhibit quite varied imprints of indebtedness and disindebtedness waves brought...
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[eng] Bulgaria : Difficulties of a Transition in the Balkans Jacky Fayolle In Bulgaria, a resolute and coherent set of decisions had been made as early as the beginning of 1991 in order to stabilise and adjust the economy. The main objectives were to reduce imbalances resulting from the previous...
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