Showing 91 - 100 of 271
In this note we show that the feasible central limit theory for realised volatility and realised covariation recently developed by Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard applies under arbitrary diffusion based leverage effects. Results from a simulation experiment suggest that the feasible version of...
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In this paper we provide an asymptotic distribution theory for some non-parametric tests of the hypothesis that asset prices have continuous sample paths. We study the behaviour of the tests using simulated data and see that certain versions of the tests have good finite sample behaviour. We...
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This paper shows that realised power variation and its extension we introduce here called realised bipower variation is somewhat robust to rare jumps. We show realised bipower variation estimates integrated variance in SV models - thus providing a model free and consistent alternative to...
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In this paper we review some recent work on limit results on realised power variation, that is sums of powers of absolute increments of various semimartingales. A special case of this analysis is realised variance and its probability limit, quadratic variation. Such quantities often appear in...
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A number of authors have reported empirically observed scaling laws of the absolute values of log returns of stocks and exchange rates, with a scaling coefficient in the order of 0.58-0.59. It is suggested here that this phenomenon is largely due to the semi-heavy tailedness of the distributions...
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In this paper we study the detailed distributional properties of integrated non-Gaussian OU (intOU) processes. Both exact and approximate results are given. We emphasise the study of the tail behaviour of the intOU process. Our results have many potential applications in financial economics, for...
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The availability of intra-day data on the prices of speculative assets means that we can use quadratic variation like measures of activity in financial markets, called realised volatility, to study the stochastic properties of returns. Here we provide a statistical basis for realised volatility...
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We will review the econometrics of non-parametric estimation of the components of the variation of asset prices. This very active literature has been stimulated by the recent advent of complete records of transaction prices, quote data and order books. In our view, the interaction of the new...
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We propose a new measure of risk, based entirely on downwards moves measured using high frequency data. Realised semivariances are shown to have important predictive qualities for future market volatility. The theory of these new measures is spelt out, drawing on some new results from...
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This paper shows how to use realised kernels to carry out efficient feasible inference on the ex-post variation of underlying equity prices in the presence of simple models of market frictions. The issue is subtle with only estimators which have symmetric weights delivering consistent estimators...
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