Showing 12,571 - 12,580 of 13,834
Many countries have adopted policies designed to reduce CO2 emissions from road vehicles. Taxes linked to the CO2 emissions rate or the fuel economy of a vehicle (which is inversely related to its CO2 emissions rate) are examples of such policies. These taxes are usually imposed on new vehicles,...
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In der Literatur zur Effizienz von Hochschulen werden entweder die eingeworbenen Drittmittel oder die Anzahl der Publikationen als Indikator für institutionelle Forschungsleistungen verwendet. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht, ob beide Indikatoren zu einer ähnlichen oder unterschiedlichen...
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Der Beitrag arbeitet die Heterogenität von Unternehmen innerhalb von Branchen hinsichtlich ihrer technischen Effizienz heraus. Datengrundlage sind die Mikrodaten der Kostentrukturerhebung im Verarbeitenden Gewerbe in Deutschland. Die technische Effizienz wird im Rahmen der Schätzung einer...
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The aim of this article is to analyse the technical efficiency of Hungarian crop farms between 2001 and 2009 using panel data. We employ both standard stochastic frontier analysis and latent class model (LCM) to estimate technical efficiency. Our results suggest that technological heterogeneity...
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This paper investigates fishing port development in the Philippines in light of the perceived problems of port underutilization, marine resource depletion and other issues. It notes that most of the existing regional ports were underutilized and the existing municipal ports were grossly...
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There is a dearth of information on the extent of irrigation development in the country. As a result, there has been a great deal of confusion over the statistics on the state of irrigation development. The NIA defines an irrigation service area as an area with irrigation facilities. In reality,...
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This paper deals with integrating technology as well as lifestyles as driving forces of energy demand into a model of total private consumption. Private consumption is determined by economic variables like income and prices as well as these other factors. Technology is represented by variables...
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Lange hat sich die ökonomische Literatur auf die negativen Umweltauswirkungen von Produktionsprozessen konzentriert. Im Gegensatz dazu steht die Untersuchung der klimarelevanten Energienachfrage der privaten Haushalte im Mittelpunkt dieser Untersuchung. Um der Vielschichtigkeit der...
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This paper studies the R&D behaviour of fast growing SMEs using CIS III data for 16 countries. We group the countries into three groups that roughly have the same position in technological development. The first finding is that R&D is more important to high growth SMEs in countries that are...
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