Showing 81 - 90 of 445
We estimate the effect of a shortening of unemployment benefit entitlements on unemployment duration. Previous studies on the same or related problems have not taken into account that the competing risks duration model is not identified and we shed first light on the question whether the non...
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"This article provides a result-oriented view on the current status of German active labor market policy evaluation. The literature shows that nearly all groups of instruments positively affect the labor market prospects of at least particular groups of participants. However, regarding the...
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"In Germany, so-called 'integration agreements' between labor market agencies and job seekers stipulate placement efforts of the Employment Agency as well as the job search requirements of the job seekers. A pilot project examines the effectiveness of such integration contracts. In this project,...
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This paper estimates the effects of several German labor market programs – starting in March 2003 – on the employment outcomes of participants using propensity score matching. The main objective is to analyze how estimated average treatment effects vary with the choice of the classification...
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The existence and development of internal labor markets has a strong impact on the structure of wages and employment. The paper discusses three important aspects of internal labor markets. Firstly, segregation due to qualification has been growing between establishments during the last years,...
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Expenditures on job placement and related services make up a substantial share of many countries’ GDP. Contracting out to private providers is often proposed as a more efficient alternative to the state provision of placement services. However, the responsible state agency has to design and...
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This review discusses empirical studies on hiring subsidies in the private sector and on schemes directly providing usually public or non-profit sector jobs for the unemployed in Germany. An important effect of hiring subsidies is that they stabilise employment. For employment schemes, results...
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Das IAB äußert sich in dieser Stellungnahme zu den Anträgen der Bundestagsfraktion Die Linke: "Schutzfunktion der Arbeitslosenversicherung stärken" (Bundestagsdrucksache 18/7425) und der Bundestagsfraktion Bündnis 90/Die Grünen: "Arbeitslosenversicherung gerechter gestalten und Zugänge...
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Entlassungen und Lohnkürzungen gehören in Deutschland schon zum beruflichen Alltag. Eine neue Studie zeigt: Mehr als ein Drittel der Befragten hat im beruflichen Umfeld während der letzten fünf Jahre betriebsbedingte Entlassungen miterlebt; ein gutes Viertel berichtet von Lohnkürzungen. Die...
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Eingliederungszuschüsse (EGZ) sollen dazu beitragen, Arbeitslose mit Vermittlungshemmnissen in Beschäftigung zu bringen. Sie werden für eine befristete Zeit als Zuschuss zum Lohn an den Arbeitgeber gezahlt. Im Jahr 2006 wurden rund 230.000 Neueingestellte mit einem Eingliederungszuschuss...
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