Showing 61 - 70 of 72
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The aim of this paper is to analyze the transition results in the countries of the last wave of accession to the European Union. After they joined the EU, the average productivity growth dropped in the first year, but later this was overcome. While the rate of GDP growth rose in most NMS...
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Rad analizira determinante priljeva direktnih stranih ulaganja u Hrvatsku s posebnim naglaskom na međunarodnu poredbenu raščlambu posljedica globalne krize na direktna strana ulaganja.
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U radu su prikazane strukturne politike kao i kohezijska politika koje provodi Europska unija, kojima je cilj smanjivanje dispariteta dohodaka među članicama, te ujednačavanje stupnja gospodarskog razvoja poticanjem rasta nerazvijenih regija u EU. U radu se dokazuje da sredstva iz strukturnih...
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Zajednička poljoprivredna politika (CAP) prolazi kroz značajne reforme od svog početka djelovanja 1962. godine. CAP je bila uspješna sve do 80-tih godina kada je EU dostigla sve veću samodovoljnost u proizvodnji glavnih poljoprivrednih proizvoda te povećavala svoj izvoz uz pomoć...
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Rad analizira kretanje poslovnih ciklusa u Republici Hrvatskoj i Europskoj Uniji s ciljem prikazivanja stiliziranih činjenica vezanih uz kretanja makroekonomskih varijabli tijekom ciklusa u međunarodnoj raščlambi.
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In restructuring process of their own economies, countries in transition deal with many common problems. One of the problems that transition brought to those countries is deficit in current account, as well as budget deficit. Deficits represent limit to a healthy and fast economic development...
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In restructuring process of their own economies, countries in transition deal with many common problems. One of the problems that transition brought to those countries is deficit in current account, as well as budget deficit. Deficits represent limit to a healthy and fast economic development...
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The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted trade flows, causing a trade drop in 2020 that was especially sensitive for pharmaceutical and medical products necessary to ensure public health. The production of pharmaceutical products is dispersed in a framework of global value chains. This study aimed to...
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