Showing 51 - 60 of 150
The primary target of the CATNETS project is the quantitative comparison between thetechnical and economic efficiency of market-based resource allocation mechanisms inapplication layer networks such as Grids. Here, two fundamentally different approachesare compared. A centralized –...
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Axiomatic Design (AD) ist eine Methode, die den Entwurf beliebiger Systeme unterstützenkann. AD hilft, Anforderungen klar voneinander abzugrenzen und unterstützt die Entwicklungvon Systemen, deren Komponenten eine überschaubare Komplexität aufweisen und weitgehendunabhängig voneinander...
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A Grid defines a particular type of technological and organizational interactionwithin a computational network, describing supply and demand for computationalor data services[1]. However, Service providers usually have more informationabout quality or availability of the services they provide,...
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The objective of WP2 - Simulation of the CATNETS project was to identify the requiredfeatures of the CATNETS simulator, to develop it, and to incorporate the centralised andcatallactic service/resource market specifications from WP1: Theoretical and ComputationalBasis. The simulator is to be...
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The Grid Market Middleware (GMM) design, implementation and early evaluation have beenthoroughly described in previous deliverables. Development in core GMM components (agenthosting, group communication, metric collection) has been frozen since Year 2, oncerequirements have been met. For this...
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The deliverable reports the performance assessment of the Catallactic approach. Itdepends on the work done and results achieved in the other workpackages, particularlyWP2, the simulator and scenario generator development, and WP3, the prototypedevelopment....
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Future Grid network technology will face the problem of the efficient provisioning ofservices to clients by a scalable and dynamic resource allocation (matching) mechanism.The objective of CATNETS is to determine the applicability of a decentralizedeconomic self-organization mechanism for...
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Grid Computing is a paradigmatic application forthe requirements associated with the exponentially growingcomplexity in the engineering, operation and maintenance oftoday’s information systems. Grid Computing comprises evergrowingglobal communication infrastructures and millions ofpossible...
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The vision of Utility Computing (UtiC) has gained significant interest in the last years and hasbecome a popular buzzword, that describes the idea of packaging of computing resources, such asstorage space, server capacity, bandwidth or computer processing time, as a metered service similarto a...
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Die Frage nach Eigenfertigung oder Fremdbezug von IT-Servicedienstleistungen isthäufiger Bestandteil unternehmerischer Entscheidungen. Neben bekannten Outsourcingvariantenwie z. B. Application-Service-Provisioning, steht neuerdings eine weitereAlternative zur Verfügung: Cloud-Computing. In dem...
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