Showing 51 - 60 of 340
On regulating financial innovations / Eduardo Pol -- Important structural trends and developments in the foreign exchange and OTC derivative markets / Harvey Arbel(c)Øaez, E.K. Gatzonas -- The subprime market crisis, structured products in the securities credit markets, and hedge funds /...
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We develop a model of a cooperative power game between a chief executive officer (CEO) and labor over a proposed corporate outsourcing, and test the model’s predictions concerning the decision to outsource, division of profits, and post-outsourcing firm performance using a sample of...
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Japan has always been an odd man out from the standpoint of Western norm or Western finance. It is a country that is as developed as any in the West. However, it is also a country that possesses the significant institutional and cultural traits that separate it from the West. An important...
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In this age of international terrorism and international economic contagion, it is clear that globalization in its broadest sense - i.e., the breaking down of barriers - is often a double-edged sword. The world economy of the early twenty-first century offers substantial growth potential and...
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To form a more perfect economic union and to establish a single market financially, economically and politically, 11 European countries founded a common currency and a European Central Bank, and created a new monetary unit, the euro, on 1st January, 1999. On that date, the old national...
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The papers in this volume of International Finance Review provide a reflection on the role of international finance - and its relationship to strategy, economics, political science and public policy - in examining value creation in multinational enterprise. These are 22 original papers submitted...
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