Showing 221 - 230 of 247
Books reviewed: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, The European Union' Trade Policies and Their Economic Effects K. Dyson, The Politics of the Euro-Zone N. Vanhove, Regional Policy: A European Approach K. Cordell, Poland and the European Union R. Hall, A. Smith and...
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Das anhaltende Interesse an der Theorie monetärer Integration ist einerseits dem europäischen Einigungsprozeß zu verdanken, andererseits der Instabilität des Weltwährungssystems seit dem Zusammenbruch der Bretton-Woods-Vereinbarung. Die vorherrschende Theorie des optimalen Währungsraumes...
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The fiscal policy framework of EMU and possible reforms of the Stability and Growth Pact have elicited much debate. The pact has been predicated on a conception of it as a device to discipline Member States. This gives rise to a paradox in which the credibility of policy-makers it is supposed to...
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The crisis since August 2007 provides an opportunity to observe the workings of good governance institutions under an extreme stress test and in radically different political settings. Institutions such as independent central banks, fiscal rules and regulatory oversight of public finances were...
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Die staatliche Förderung eines Niedriglohnsektors spielt in verschiedenen Debatten über den Zusammenhang von Arbeitslosigkeit und Sozialstaat in Deutschland eine Rolle. In den USA werden rund 15% aller zivilen Erwarbsarbeitsverhältnisse durch ein Steuerrückerstattungsprogramm, den sog....
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Governments of most accession countries in Central and Eastern Europe initially expressed keen interest to adopt the Euro as soon as possible. The fervour seems to have cooled somewhat in the meantime. This paper will argue that there are good reasons for mixed feelings. While monetary...
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EU governments have engaged in a coordinated effort to combat social exclusion. This is puzzling for empirical and theoretical reasons. The paper argues that integration of social inclusion policies can be explained by the political economy of domestic reform, driven by structural change in EU...
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