Showing 626,961 - 626,970 of 726,567
In a recent paper, Egghe [Egghe, L. (in press). Mathematical derivation of the impact factor distribution. Journal of Informetrics] provides a mathematical analysis of the rank-order distribution of journal impact factors. We point out that Egghe's analysis relies on an unrealistic assumption,...
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of perpetration-by-means. This comment discusses the Prosecutor's application, explores the appearance of the theory of … indirect perpetration in international law, and tracks down the roots of the theory of perpetration-by-means of a hierarchical …
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Better informed consumers may be treated preferentially by firms since their consumption serves as a quality signal for other customers. For normal goods this results in wealthy individuals being treated better than poor individuals. We investigate this phenomenon in an equilibrium model of...
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The courts and analysts continue to struggle to articulate safe harbors for a wide variety of common business pricing practices in which either a single product is sold at a discount if purchased in bulk or in which multiple products are bundled together at prices different from the ones that...
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This paper revisits the excess entry theorem in spatial models agrave; la Vickrey (1964) and Salop (1979) while relaxing the assumption of inelastic demand. Using a demand function with a constant demand elasticity, we show that the number of firms that enter a market decreases with the degree of...
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Expectations about the future are central for determination of current macroeconomic outcomes and the formulation of monetary policy. Recent literature has explored ways for supplementing the benchmark of rational expectations with explicit models of expectations formation that rely on...
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I study the policy choices of members of a central bank committee, who are appointed by the government. Central bankers balance their desire to protect the Central Bank's reputation against their interest to be reappointed. Committees can be more successful than single central bankers at...
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In this paper, we consider a region that invests in infrastructure used by both local demand and through transport. We then compare transport systems that have, for a given capacity, the same total infrastructure cost but vary in the proportion of fixed costs and variable capacity costs. We...
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The stochastic simulation model suggested by Bolder (2003) for the analysis of the federal government's debt-management strategy provides a wide variety of useful information. It does not, however, assist in determining an optimal debt-management strategy for the government in its current form....
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economics. Meta-economic principles are different from laws; they relate to the principles of theory construction, to the … assumptions which are implicit in theory, to the constraints imposed on theories and to the analysis and scope of theories. We … theory, we consider a number of articles from the Journal of Political Economy. The testability of meta-economic principles …
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