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parameters in the limit theory, whose estimation errors can be another source of distortion. We propose a size …
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A limit theory is developed for mildly explosive autoregressions under stationary (weakly or strongly dependent …. These effects are cancelled out in least squares regression theory and thereby the Cauchy limit theory of Phillips and …
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In a recent contribution to the financial econometrics literature, Chu et al. (2017) provide the first examination of the time-series price behaviour of the most popular cryptocurrencies. However, insufficient attention was paid to correctly diagnosing the distribution of GARCH innovations. When...
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This paper contains a survey of univariate models of conditional heteroskedasticity. The classical ARCH model is mentioned, and various extensions of the standard GARCH model are highlighted. This includes the Exponential GARCH model. Stochastic volatility models remain outside this review. --...
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We propose bootstrap implementations of the asymptotic Wald, likelihood ratio and Lagrange multiplier tests for the order of integration of a fractionally integrated time series. Our main purpose in doing so is to develop tests which are robust to both conditional and unconditional...
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Both unconditional mixed-normal distributions and GARCH models with fat-tailed conditional distributions have been employed for modeling financial return data. We consider a mixed-normal distribution coupled with a GARCH-type structure which allows for conditional variance in each of the...
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An alternative definition for market efficiency, based on econometric rather than financial arguments is suggested. It is argued that this new definition, though equivalent to the existing one, has some comparative advantages. Moreover, the conditions under which the results from the application...
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We propose a new class of conditional heteroskedasticity in the volatility (CH-V) models which allows for time-varying volatility of volatility in the volatility of asset returns. This class nests a variety of GARCH-type models and the SHARV model of Ding (2021b). CH-V models can be seen as a...
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This paper studies an explosive autoregression with conditionally heteroskedastic innovations. The asymptotic distributions of LS, GLS, t-statitiscs, heteroskedasticity-consistent t-statistics and GLS t-statistics are derived for nonstationary local-to-unity and mildly explosive roots, in which...
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