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.Obwohl also Macht und Mikropolitik so gut wie immer ganz zentrale erkl?rende Variablen des Handels in Organisationen darstellen …
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Vorliegender Aufsatz diskutiert die Rolle von Experten inbetrieblichen Modernisierungsprozessen.
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The new institutional economics offers a bold and simple argument for how states promoted commercial expansion in early modern Europe. Focused on the importance of secure property rights for reducing transaction costs, commerce expands much as an engine burns fuel more efficiently and creates...
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This paper analyzes whether political outcomes in local democracies are determinedby the preferences of the median -typically poor- agents or whether they reflect thewishes of the wealthy elites. A model shows that when politicians belonging to differentgroups can form coalitions, the wealthy...
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Das Gesetz gegen den unlauteren Wettbewerb (UWG) in der Fassung vom 19.4.2006 sieht einöffentliches Interesse vor, das in älteren Fassungen des UWG im Wortlaut schwächer dem Schutz der„guten Sitten“ galt und nun direkt mit §1 das "Interesse der Allgemeinheit" nennt. Die Ausübung...
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This paper considers critically the question of what constitutes „local partnership‟, including the stated meanings and implicit power relationships within, for instance, public/private partnerships, specific projects such as Building Schools for the Future or the „area partnership‟...
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One of the key goals of political economy is to understand how in-stitutional arrangements shape policy outcomes. This paper studiesa comparatively neglected aspect of this - the forces that shape het-erogeneous performance of autocracies. The paper develops a simpletheoretical model of...
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In this paper we propose tests for hypotheses regarding the parameters of the deterministictrend function of a univariate time series. The tests do not require knowledge of the form ofserial correlation in the data and they are robust to strong serial correlation. The data cancontain a unit root...
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Small and poor developing countries face well-known structural constraints and power asymmetries in their international economic relations Their limited economic weight often produces pessimism about the prospects for such countries to international trade negotiations. For many developing...
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This paper argues that recent global health cooperation has been marked by two trends. First, there has been a highly successful proliferation of vertical funds to fight specific diseases. These are characterised by narrower problem-based mandates; multistakeholder governance; voluntary and...
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