Showing 38,481 - 38,490 of 43,471
The article investigates whether liquidity constraints affect firm size and growth dynamics of Italian manufacturing firms. Panel-data regressions and distribution analyses show that (i) liquidity constraints engender a negative effect on growth once one controls for size; (ii) smaller firms grow...
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Hurricane Katrina did massive damage because New Orleans and the Gulf Coast were not appropriately protected. Wherever natural disasters threaten, the government -- in its traditional role as public goods provider -- must decide what level of protection to provide to an area. It does so by...
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In this paper, I analyze the causes of the prolonged slowdown of the Japanese economy in the 1990s and find that the stagnation of investment, especially private fixed investment, was the primary culprit. I then investigate the causes of the stagnation of household consumption during the 1990s...
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This paper develops a theory of the allocation of authority between two parties that produce impure public goods. We show that the optimal allocation depends on technological factors, the parties' valuations of the goods produced, and the degree of impurity of these goods. When the degree of...
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A common perception about the neoclassical growth model is that an economy devoid of capital cannot evolve to strictly positive levels of output if capital is essential. We challenge this view by positing a broad class of production functions, encompassing the neoclassical production function,...
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Trust games are employed to investigate the effect of heterogeneity in income and race on cooperation in South Africa. The amount of socio-economic information available to the subjects about their counterparts is varied. No significant behavioural differences are observed, when no such...
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This paper analyzes reasons for the high post-war correlations of saving and investment, both across countries and over time. It is concluded that the main reason for the observed high correlations over the recent period is probably government policy
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Despite Mexico`s recent remarkable progress in adjusting its fiscal and external accounts and in restructuring its economy, the recovery of growth has remained elusive. This paper reviews some aspects of Mexico`s recent performance and suggests that systemic adjustment uncertainty, and policy...
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While inflation slowed sharply in Mexico during 1988, imports surged. Although the growth of domestic absorption could be attributed to a higher fiscal deficit, deriving from sharply higher domestic interest rates, this paper argues that the recovery of private investment was the main driving...
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Reforming economies have typically placed little attention on the impact of illegal activities on the success of reform/stabilization packages and optimal policy design. This paper aims at developing a framework in which to assess an economy`s response to alternative stabilization/reform...
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