Showing 91 - 100 of 41,335
This paper tests for the importance of cash flow on investment in fixed capital and R&D using firm-level panel data in two countries between 1985 and 1994.
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This paper investigates the influence of a firm's financial status on the within-firm allocation of funds, reected in its plant-level investment and exit decisions.
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This paper embarks to analyse the role of exports and investment supposed to be major sources of economic growth in Asia Pacific. Therefore at first, the cointegration properties of exports, capital formation and GDP are examined in vector error correction models (VECMs)...
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Innerhalb des Bankmanagements hat die sogenannte Marktzinsmethode zentrale Bedeutung erlangt. Der Vorschlag, diesen Ansatz auch auf die Analyse betrieblicher Realinvestitionen zu übertragen, liess eine Grundsatzdiskussion über die Zweckmäßigkeit eines solchen Vorgehens entstehen...
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We examine here the risk-adjusted performance of European mutual funds offered in Germany which invest in euro-denominated investment grade corporate bonds. The funds are evaluated employing a single-index model and several multi-index and asset-class-factor models. In order to account for the...
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This paper investigates the determinants of vertical integration. We first derive a number of predictions regarding the relationship between technology intensity and vertical integration from a simple model with nancial imperfections andincomplete contracts. Then, we investigate these...
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In this paper, we provide an outlook for further research on the topic of governance. We review four different approaches on the theory of the firm and discuss implications for governance, namely; nexus of contracts / agency theory, property rights /incomplete contracts, adaptation, and nexus of...
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We study properties of structured financial products optimizing a utility functional of a customer. The conventional method may have the disadvantage that the a priori restriction to a certain number of assets could make it impossible to find the optimal portfolio. So instead of optimizing the...
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We propose an equity finance model with agency problems and investigate the relationship between dividend taxation and inefficient investments. Contrary to both the old and the new view of dividend taxation, a fall in the dividend tax rate is found to improve corporate governance by increasing...
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