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This is an attempt to derive broad, strategic lessons from the diverse experience with economic growth in last fifty years. The paper revolves around two key arguments. One is that neoclassical economic analysis is a lot more flexible than its practitioners in the policy domain have generally...
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Bis zum Ende der achtziger Jahre dominierte in der Wachstumstheorie das neoklassische Paradigma, das auf Tinbergen (1942) zurückgeht und vor allem von Solow (1956) weiterentwickelt wurde. Nachdem dieser Ansatz in seiner Entwicklung zu einem gewissen Abschluß gekommen war, wurde die...
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Most low income countries are characterised by a high dependence on exports of a small number of agricultural or mineral commodities. In the 1980s, the economic and social performance of these countries has been extremely dismal. Declining per capita incomes, stagnating food production, and an...
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While we know a lot about how countries become prosperous, we have only begun to understand how aid contributes to economic growth and poverty reduction. The development record is mixed and no robust association between the volume of aid and development performance has been discovered. The...
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This paper makes two main contributions. First, we examine the long-run effect of foreign aid on domestic output for 59 developing countries using heterogeneous panel cointegration techniques to control for omitted variable and endogeneity bias to detect possible cross-country differences in the...
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Focusing on seven bilateral donors over a 25 year period, the paper answers 4 questions related to aid allocation practice. Questions one and two examine allocation differences between donors and time periods. Questions three and four relate to changes in poverty and policy selectivity. To...
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In 2004, developing countries and civil society groups called for a new Development Agenda at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). After three years of debate, they secured the adoption by WIPO Member States of the 2007 WIPO Development Agenda, comprising 45 recommendations for...
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Pro Poor Growth has become a central concern to achieve sustainable poverty reduction in developing countries. Despite being widely used, the term is not well-defined nor has there been a clear policy document that would summarize the determinants and policy implications of pro poor growth. This...
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1999 wurde die so genannte HIPC-Initiative zugunsten der ärmsten Länder (Highly Indebted Poor Countries), von der Weltbank und dem IWF 1996 ins Leben gerufen, erheblich erweitert. Die lnitiative zielt darauf ab, die Bekämpfung der Armut ins Zentrum der internationalen...
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