Showing 41 - 50 of 14,573
Zölle gehörten schon vor den Trump’schen Maßnahmen gegen Stahl und Aluminium zum Alltag im transatlantischen Handel. So sind auf amerikanische Pkw 10%, auf Motorräder 6%, auf Äpfel 17% und auf Weintrauben 20% fällig. Die Zölle der USA sind im Durchschnitt niedriger. Es gibt aber auch...
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Die angekündigten und zum Teil eingeleiteten Maßnahmen der USA zum Schutz ihrer Wirtschaft, nicht zuletzt die Einführung von Zusatzzöllen, haben fatale Folgen für das globale Handelssystem. Die USA sind auf dem Weg, die bisherigen Regeln der Weltwirtschaft außer Kraft zu setzen und einen...
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Where does the balance of power lie in a policy-making institution with an external agenda setter, legislators, and lobbies? In a multiple round majority rule game with sophisticated actors, we show that the agenda setter obtains its most preferred policy outcome even if all lobbies and...
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We explore how outcomes of trade policy retaliation (Nash tariff games) are affected when trade simultaneously takes places geographically across countries and through time via financial intermediation. In such models deficits and surpluses in goods trade are endogenously determined, and...
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Countries can reduce global emissions by reducing own consumption since they are linked to the total value of consumption world wide. Two effects are at issue: a utility loss from forgone consumption and a utility gain from lowered temperature change. It is thus unclear whether own country...
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Recent rounds of GATT and later WTO have advocated widespread tariffication, meaning that existing non-tariff barriers be converted into import equivalent tariffs. From an economic point of view, the effects of such tariffication are not entirely clear. The paper presents a general equilibrium...
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This paper characterizes analytically the optimal tariff of a large one-sector economy with monopolistic competition and firm heterogeneity in general equilibrium, thereby extending the small-country results of Demidova and Rodriguez-Clare (JIE, 2009) and the homogeneous firms framework of Gros...
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WTO negotiations deal predominantly with bound - besides applied - tariff rates. But, how can reductions in tariffs ceilings, i.e. tariff rates that no exporter may ever actually be confronted with, generate market access? The answer to this question relates to the effects of tariff bindings on...
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