Showing 161 - 170 of 17,137
MIND is a hybrid model incorporating several energy related sectors in an endogenous growth model of the world economy. This model structure allows a better understanding of the linkages between the energy sectors and the macro-economic environment. We perform a sensitivity analysis and...
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In this study, cost-effective technological options to stabilize CO2 concentrations at 550, 500, and 450 ppmv are evaluated using a world energy systems model of linear programming with a high regional resolution. This model treats technological change endogenously for wind power, photovoltaics,...
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The stabilisation of GHG atmospheric concentrations at levels expected to prevent dangerous climate change has become an important, global, long-term objective. It is therefore crucial to identify a cost-effective way to achieve this objective. In this paper we use WITCH, a hybrid...
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The threat of global warming calls for a major transformation of the energy system the coming century. Modeling technological change is an important factor in energy systems modeling. Technological change may be treated as induced by climate policy or as exogenous. We investigate the importance...
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This paper presents an ex-post empirical analysis of the impact of European electricity mar- ket refirms on markups ofirms. The working hypothesis is that further economic integration would bring competition into electricity markets re ected by lower markups of electricityfirms. The results show...
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In January, 2005, the EU launched the first international emissions trading system (EU ETS), aimed at reducing carbon emissions in a cost-effective way by means of a market-based instrument. In this paper, we use the treatment/control, before/after design of the natural experiment approach to...
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Angesichts einer nach wie vor nur schwach wettbewerblich ausgeprägten Marktstruktur auf dem deutschen wie auch auf anderen europäischen Elektrizitätserzeugungsmärkten, hat sich in jüngerer Zeit eine intensive Diskussion über adäquate Instrumente zur Steigerung der Wettbewerbsintensität...
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Im November 2007 ist die Anreizregulierungsverordnung in der Energiewirtschaft in Kraft getreten. Sie hat zum Ziel …
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This paper analyses the issues of regulatory reform in the energy industry of post- Soviet countries. We identify the characteristics of the transformation that these countries go through: it is the introduction of a) a new legal culture and b) a capitalist rationality of production in societies...
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metsäteollisuuden ja metsätalouden yritystoimintaa ja mahdollisuuksien mukaan elintarviketuotantoon liittyvää osaamista.
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