Showing 231 - 240 of 50,137
In contrast to the very large literature on skill-biased technical change among workers, there is hardly any work on the importance of skills for the entrepreneurs who employ those workers, and in particular on their evolution over time. This paper proposes a simple theory of skill-biased change...
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Das Erneuerbare Energiengesetz sieht für Strom aus Erneuerbaren Energien Einspeisevergütungen ohne eine Mengenbegrenzung vor. Dies führt zu fehlgeleiteten Anreizen, die einerseits den Strompreis erhöhen und andererseits den technischen Fortschritt begrenzen. Joachim Weimann setzt sich...
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A recent publication of the UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) has highlighted the food insecurity problem facing the globe: food production will have to increase by 70 percent in 2050 to keep up with a global population that is projected to grow from 6 billion to 9 billion. There has...
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Research and development (R&D) is an important resource for sustained economic growth. New knowledge created by a firm has spillover effects that improve the productivity of other firms and even other sectors. This is the heart of endogenous growth theory. In this framework, government policies...
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Sustaining and accelerating agricultural growth remains a development imperative in view of persistent rural poverty and emerging threats to food security. While growth can be achieved by expansion of agricultural area and input intensification, growth through improvement in productivity is a...
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The long-run evolution of per-capita income exhibits a structural break often associated with the Industrial Revolution. We follow Mokyr (2002) and embed the idea that this structural break reflects a regime switch in the evolution of technological knowledge into a dynamic framework, using Airy...
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We study the effect of a declining labor force on the incentives to engage in labor-saving technical change and ask how this effect is influenced by institutional characteristics of the pension scheme. When labor is scarcer it becomes more expensive and innovation investments that increase labor...
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An analytical framework is developed to study the repercussions between endogenous capital- and labor-saving technical change and population aging. Following an intuition often attributed to Hicks (1932), I ask whether and how population aging aff ects the relative scarcity of factors of...
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In a neoclassical economy with endogenous capital- and labor-augmenting technical change the steady-state growth rate of output per worker is shown to increase in the elasticity of substitution between capital and labor. This confirms the assessment of Klump and de La Grandville (2000) that the...
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Hochentwickelte Industriestaaten bedürfen permanenter Innovation, um weiterhin wachsen zu können. Nur dadurch ist es möglich, auf dem Weltmarkt Preise zu erzielen, die günstige Terms of Trade und ein hohes Lohnniveau ermöglichen. Die Förderung von Innovation wird damit zu einer zentralen...
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