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This dissertation introduces three novel approaches for the econometric evaluation of heterogeneous treatment effects. The proposed methods consider the effects of a binary treatment on different characteristics of the outcome distribution.Section 1 proposes an estimation method for various...
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The main focus of this work is theanalysis of price direction processes at transaction level ofdifferent stocks traded at the NYSE. Three different models havebeen applied to the data, namely the autoregressive conditionalmultinomial model, a probit model with latent ARMA-process anddifferent...
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In recent years high-frequency finance has become one of the most active research fields in finance and economics. The wide-spread availability of high-frequency datasets has particularly spurred research within this field and has, in turn, given birth to the rapidly expanding bridge between...
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This dissertation is comprised of three essays on nonparametric Bayesian modeling in microeconometrics. The introduction discusses some basic concepts of Bayesian nonparametrics including the Dirichlet process and the mixture of Dirichlet processes model. Further, the literature on estimating...
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The development of a feasible and flexible model for the intraday transaction process is an ongoing topic in the empirical analysis of market microstructure. This work attempts to modify and extend the models of the transaction process suggested by Rydberg and Shephard (1998) and Russell and...
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Das deutsche Hochschulsystem befindet sich zur Zeit in einerstarken Umstrukturierungsphase. Dabei ist neben der Einführung derMaster- und Bachelorstudiengängen die Einführung vonStudiengebühren eine der einschneidendsten Politikmaßnahmen, diein Deutschland im tertiären Bildungsbereich...
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In recent years a substantial amount of literature in one way or another deals with liquidity. The interest in it grows beyond the walls of the academia, as the security exchanges recognize the importance of the concept and plan to adopt unique measures of liquidity and publish them in the...
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Diese Diplomarbeit widmet sich aus theoretischer und empirischer Sicht dem Thema der regionalen Konvergenz in der EU. sie stellt zunächst verschiedene Konzepte sowie Ergebnisse der Konvergenzanalyse vor und vergleicht diese kritisch. Das Hauptergebnis ist ein Nebeneinander von Persistenz bzw....
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First and higher order digits in data sets of natural and socio-economic processes often follow a distribution called Benford's law. This phenomenon has been used in many business and scientific applications, especially in fraud detection for financial data. In this paper, we analyse whether...
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The discussion about the use of semiparametric analysis in empirical research in economics is as old as the methods are. This article can certainly not be more than a small contribution to the polemic question how useful is non- or semiparametric statistics for applied econometrics. The goal is...
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