Showing 81,851 - 81,860 of 86,058
Monetary policy shocks have a large impact on aggregate stock market returns in narrow event windows around press releases by the Federal Open Market Committee. We use spatial autoregressions to decompose the overall effect of monetary policy shocks into a direct (demand) effect and an indirect...
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We show that limited dealer participation in the market, coupled with an informational friction resulting from high frequency trading, can induce demand for liquidity to be upward sloping and strategic complementarities in traders' liquidity consumption decisions: traders demand more liquidity...
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We show that a sample of 7,487 U.S. firms going public between 1975 and 2014 significantly underperforms mature firms in the first year after the IPO. Contrary to post-issue horizons of three to five years, the first-year underperformance cannot be explained by Carhart (1997) risk factor...
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Introduction -- The Bubble Act and the First Corporate Economy -- ‘Mr Morice is said to appear at the head’: The Bubble Act and an Aborted Joint-Stock Slave-Trading Company -- ‘That ever-memorable year of epidemical infatuation’: Incorporation, the Jamaica Mines Company, and the Bubble...
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