Showing 234,941 - 234,950 of 252,305
Once a year, ECHA arranges a strategic workshop for its accredited stakeholder organisations. This is a platform to discuss topical issues and give recommendations for future improvements. All of ECHA's 90 accredited stakeholder organisations were invited and 38 were represented in the workshop...
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This report presents a snapshot of the current state of renewable energy development in the European Union and the progress expected by 2020, as forecasted in the Member States' national renewable energy action plans. The report compares the progress achieved between 2005 and 2012 as that...
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Despite their normative differences, how can the EU and China work together in order to make an effective contribution to the international fight against terrorism? And given that counter-terrorism is considered to be primarily a national competence, in which fields can the EU take the...
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The quality of its institutions, both governmental and judicial, is a key determining factor for a country's economic and societal well-being. Administrative capacity is increasingly recognised as a pre-requisite for delivering the EU's treaty obligations and objectives, such as creating...
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This deliverable is part of the study on "Research and Innovation perspective of the mid- and long-term Potential for Advanced Biofuels in Europe". The overall goal of the study is to contribute to future policy developments in the area of advanced biofuels. It is supposed to feed into the...
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Impact Assessments (IA) are a key element in the development of policy proposals by the European Commission (EC). They provide evidence for political decision makers on the advantages and disadvantages of possible policy options by assessing their potential impacts. This evidence should be...
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The brochure, which includes an introduction by M. Antonio Tajani, the President of the European Parliament, starts by reviewing in brief the European Union's main achievements and the roles of its institutions before describing the work, powers and structure of Parliament. It goes on to outline...
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Upon request by the LIBE Committee, this paper provides some information on the current situation of asylum and migration in Italy, focusing in particular on the "hotspots" and on the asylum procedures. The paper describes the applicable legislative framework, as recently amended, as well as its...
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This report explores the current realities for academic staff within the changing higher education landscape in Europe. It focuses on the qualification requirements for academic staff, the recruitment process, employment and working conditions in academia, the impact of external quality...
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