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savings? Is it primarily accumulation for retirement as claimed by Albert Ando, Richard Brumberg, and Franco Modigliani in … their celebrated Life Cycle Model of Savings? Is it primarily intentional accumulation for intergenerational transfers? Or … is it primarily precautionary savings, much of which may be bequeathed because of imperfections in annuity markets? This …
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The permanent income hypothesis implies that people save because they rationally expect their labor income to decline; they save "for a rainy day". It follows that saving should be at least as good a predictor of declines in labor income as any other forecast that can be constructed from publicly...
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larger wealth accumulated from savings for estimation risk. The utility cost of ignoring estimation risk is also quantified …
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that the represenative consumer changes savings in response to temporary deviations of income from its stochastic trend …
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We derive testable implications of model in which first best allocations are not achieved because of a moral hazard problem with hidden saving. We show that in this environment agents typically achieve more insurance than that obtained under autarchy via saving, and that consumption allocation...
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