Showing 81 - 90 of 123
We specify a discrete choice dynamic programming model of commercial fishing participation and location choices. This approach allows us to examine how fishermen collect information about resource abundance and whether their behavior is forward-looking.
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This article investigates the value of reducing non-point source pollution in Green Bay, WI. Using stated preference methods, we find the lower bound on the benefits of reducing runoff enough to universally increase water clarity by four feet is greater than $9 million annually. Using a unique...
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Groundwater management is often reactive, and in some cases the groundwater stock (groundwater table) of an aquifer may fall below its optimal steady-state level before any thought is given to management. This paper examines a private property rights regime to restore a groundwater resource to...
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A simple theoreticalmodel of a tim- consist ing of Faustmann rotations evalubermarket finds that there exists a rational expecta- ated at the mean of the price process. tions equilibrium in which prices evolve according The central question addressed in this to a stationary A R (1)...
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Recent economic analyses emphasize that designated open-space increases the rents on neighboring residential land, and likewise, the probability of undeveloped land converting to residential uses. This paper addresses a different question: What is the effect of local open space conservation on...
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This paper presents an integrated ecological and economic model of aquatic plant species invasions in which resource users are the primary vector of species colonization. A random utility model of boater behavior is combined with ecological information about the invader and the landscape to form...
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This article examines two issues concerning the trip-taking behavior of recreational anglers over the course of a season. The first is whether the random component of trip utility is serially correlated across trip occasions. The second is the heterogeneity of preferences among anglers. Recent...
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In the current issue of Environmental and Resource Economics, Morey et al. (2006) discuss a new approach to using attitudinal data in latent class modeling. We compare this approach with the one taken in Boxall and Adamowicz (2002), in the context of a discrete choice, random utility framework...
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In the forestry literature, stochastic extensions of the classic Faustmann model have become the predominant models of optimal harvesting on even-aged timber stands. A recent attempt to estimate a stochastic version of the Faustmann model left several puzzling results unexplained (Provencher,...
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